Why are americans against gun control?

why are americans against gun control?

Are they stupid?

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guns are fun and necessary to resist tyrannical government and to defend yourself and others. kill yourself.

You know, carrying weapons is 100% necessary. What would you do otherwise if a thief robbed you (with weapons)

I hope a mudslim robs you.

>to defend yourself
From people using legally obtained weapons for the same purpose as you?

2nd amendment of the United States constitutions. Americans will never give up their guns no matter how many preschool students and niggers have to die. Simple as

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Americans can't deal with nuance. It's either black or white, their voting process reflects this

Poor american…

How would gun control work? Banning the sale of automatic weapons or imposing stronger background checks would just exacerbate a black market, with literally millions of guns in supply. It would be even less viable than the war on drugs.

Aren't there nafri gangs running around France with automatic weapons?

i could destroy you with my bare hands

>why are europeans against gun control?


It's impossible to ban weapons. Either you start a civil war or people just don't hand over their weapons. The US has way too many guns that it'd be impossible to get rid of them all.

You don't even need to ban weapons. Many countries still have their guns, they just have harsher restrictions to get them.

lol Europeans bullied them to do so
learn history stupid


Most shootings are either domestic or gang related, the odds of dying in a random mass shooting are almost insignificant, so its just seen as another risk you take by going outside, like driving or getting hit by a car.

yeah all criminals get guns legally

>why are americans against gun control?
because the weapons industry is too influential here. that's the core reason.

Came here to say this, gun control at this point is impossible to achieve, all it would do is get rid of the guns of the most law-abiding citizens and let criminals keep their stashes of illegal black market firearms with serial numbers scratched off.

No, they're against gun control because they're smart

americans are stupid

this, there are more guns here than people
the retarded OP (pole on the japanese proxy) doesnt get it

gun laws have only been getting more lax in the past few years, I wouldnt get blackpilled
The gun lobby/NRA is perhaps one of the most zealous and competent ones along with the israel lobby. No republican would dare support any effort to make guns slighlty less obtainable.

Its pretty based. We need to be armed with all the nigs and schizo homeless running around.

i'm japanese

you can believe what you want, but nothing is done in life without money backing it.

very mutt post

do you really spend your 4 hours of your day that you get after work to seethe about americans enjoying guns? sad!

They somehow manage to be extremely nationalistic and extremely distrustful of their own government

I agree that we do need harsher resections, but you'd be damn fool if you believe that's gonna stop mass shootings. If someone wants a gun, he's gonna be able to get a gun regardless if he does so legally or illegal.

China is nationalistic in favor of their government.
Korea is nationalistic in favor of the Korean people.
America is nationalistic in favor of some abstract idea of America they have in their heads.

i don't hate americans
because americans are fat and stupid

what do you want to control? you can't control destiny.

Bad actors in general. If someone bigger than you wants to beat the piss out of you, you're SOL in a cuck country.

Here you just draw and gutshot them lol.

I believe everybody except for me should be banned from owning guns. I alone can be trusted.