Rian Johnson can't writ.....The Last Jedi killed Star Wars!

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toni collette was so hot in this movie bros

i wish they did not reveal how he died so early in the movie

never watched an episode of Columbo, eh?

>mfw I kill star wars forever and make star wars faggots seethe to this day, while creating my own franchise and personally pocketing over $100M.
Do something about it faggots!

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yeah she looks kinda weird, but she's hot. i bet that's how women feel about iggy pop.

What exactly did the alt right kid do except be a little weird


Killing Star Wars is what made me start liking him, actually

I can't see the fascination everyone had with this film back in 2019. It was a good film, but nowhere near as good as it was praised to be.

>wasted potential: the film

Aside from Chris Evans the whole movie is unwatchable shit.
>I'm just a poor oppressed brown person
And she couldn't act for shit and her character was a Mary Sue, and let's be honest, she's Spanish, there are very few non whites in the "Latino" race.

He killed the careers of John Boyega and Daisy Ridley too, while the white male actors have gone on to be successful. Not bad for a woke retard.

PR bullshit, it's like Zendaya, it's all fake.

What franchise?

>Doesn't cast Black actors in prominent roles
>Doesn't support BLM
>Doesn't support Ukraine
>Deleted 20,000 tweets after James Gunn got cancelled

If the fandom really wanted to they should have reviewed bomb knives out and faceboo/twitter/etc the hell out of it so people wouldn't want to see it. But here we are.

Movie just sucked,had nothing to do with starwars or wokeness

He wrote a fine parody of detective stories. He's good at parodies. The problem is that he wrote a parody of a Star Wars movie as a real Star Wars movie.
I don't even blame him for that. I do blame him for the 'maaaaah deeeeeek' cuntery and the 'OMG YOU'RE ALL WHINEY FANBOY TROLLS!' followed by 'OMG, WHY ARE YOU SO MEAN TO US!' when they realized they were in the minjority opinion.
The real problem with TLJ is whoever invited a 'subverter' to make an honest piece.

That movie was crap, even crappier than a murder mystery turd should be

The problem isn’t that he is a bad writer. The problem is that he was a pretentious hack.
The ultimate problem came from Rian not wanting to write a Star Wars movie and actively avoiding writing something he felt would satisfy the audience’s questions from the last movie.
I remember the Logan guy warned that only hacks would handle Star Wars if people were too hard on Rian, yet that’s exactly what a franchise what Star Wars needs. It’s not some high art thought provoking series. It’s a bunch of crowd pleasing feel good blockbuster adventure films that are made for literal children