Do you british men?

Do you british men?

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Do I what?

Do you like me?

I look like this. We all do.

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no I hate anglos and seeing that island get nuked would be the best day of my entire life. shame about the niggers who live there and would have to die as well but such is life

They're either evangelical RETARDs
Wet brains
Stab you
Gay conversionists
Multiple of things here

He’s irish tho

please nuke us

Stay in your country and piss and shit on it
Go call your children retarded
Don't bring your shit culture anywhere near me again

Are you a scouser? If not, yes

I am a good boy and I will not hear otherwise.

i'd fuck that man

Northerners are the most reasonable British
Apart from probably half of them
Actually British are all faggot

I would if I could

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Will Vlad let me push the button?
What if I'm HIM? will he let me?

>Northerners are the most reasonable British
have you ever met a northerner? they are quite literally all retarded

Ah, the London nog reveals himself.

Too young looking

t. muhammed from wogshire

And you're still a blackoid.

Why are British boys so cute?