Remember when female movie critics forced everyone to pretend this was pixar's best movie...

remember when female movie critics forced everyone to pretend this was pixar's best movie, even though it was mediocre at best?

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But that's ridiculous

Ratatouille is Pixar's best, and everyone knows it

I cried at this when I was younger

you are correct

what does being female have to do with it? a movie that tells kids that its okay to be sad is good to hear for kids in a society that forces everyone slightly depressed onto prozac.

some people need prozac. both of my daughters are on it and wouldn't be able to function otherwise


>I cried at this when I was younger
shut up zoomer

No I don't and I think it's a legit excellent movie unlike, say, Turning Red

Did you take your kids camping? To the monster truck rally? Did you take them on a canoe trip? Did you take them fishing? Did you teach them the benefits of exercise from an early age and buy them their own sets of pink 5lb dumbbells? Did you ever exercise with them to their favorite pop music?

Or was that too hard so you just medicated them instead?

Walle is on the National Film Registry dummy.

Not even Slumdog Millionare is on that list.

I watched this in a packed theater. The 'Cloud Town' "joke" got literally zero laughs. I thought they test screen these movies?

anyone else not get how overhyped and critically acclaimed this movie was the time it was in theaters

also, frozen. thought that like, oh hey it's just girls and fags who like it but apparently a lot of guys "loved" it too.

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when they were younger yes, but they're not interesting in stuff like that now that they're geting older. they both only care about social media, blm, and trans rights

Fuck yeah it is

best message of any children's film as well -- anyone can cook

I really loved Inside Out.

You failed as a parent

I kinda liked it, it was cool to have two interconnected narratives of wacky cartoon characters doing their thing and a grounded, realistic family drama & how they affected each other

It had some good messages too like any good kiddie film should but not really my favourite pixar movie

I remember seeing a deleted scene where Elsa actually becomes more like a villain and the movie maybe would've been better compared to how in the movie she was just like "NOOOOOOOO LEAVE ME ALONE I JUST WANNA LIVE IN MY AUTISM ICE FORTRESS NOOOOOO"

It's pretty good but not their best.
It mainly suffers from being way to serious for a kids movie, it's more of a drama really.