Do you like watching Tv with your SO?

Do you like watching Tv with your SO?

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my wife is that one meme, where the girlfriend asks "why is this happening" in the movie, and it gets answered like seconds later if she had just watched it lmao

very confused by this meme. you can just swap the order of the panels and change it to a guy raging that the bitch said a guy was hot. i wouldn't have put up with that.
Is the implication of the panel that "its okay when the girl goes it"? Because who decides what's ok in the relationship? YOU, so if you relate to this comic you just outed yourself as a fucking cuck

That's every woman.

Wifey and I watch everything together since we got together 14 years ago. If she doesn't wanna watch something with me I usually don't even bother and go do something else.

Yeah. She even watches DS9 with me and likes that I can fill her in on lore. Pro tip: Get yourself a gril that likes it when you like something.

I don't own a TV or an SO

This. The author of that comic wants to be cheated on.

I do that with her hospital drama shlock. She gets that I don't like it and wouldn't like me making racist comments the entire time.

>gf wakes up one day grumpu
>won't talk to me at all
>at dinner she finally tells me why
>she dreamt that i cheated on her

Wtf man

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Who gives a fuck when you defile her nightly. Have some self confidence, she's clearly insecure.

Cut your losses and run. This is your only warning.

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I thought this was just a meme lmao

You forgot the most important part of the first pic

>goes to actually cheat on you because she figures that if you don't love her and make her out to be the only girl in the world, a random tinder hookup will
>and then blames you

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Her vote counts as much as yours


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Democracy was a mistake

Why do you talk like a fag? Do you mean my girlfriend?

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Was she Latina? My Mexican ex-wife woke me up by hitting me and then wouldn't speak me to all day because she DREAMT that I cheated on her. What in the fuck man.

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I always just say “because I pressed play”

holy fuck that same fucking scenario happened to me, we were watching Bedazzled and the stinking whore I was seeing started talking about how she always had a crush on Brendan and then I mentioned something about Elizabeth Hurley, I don't even remember what it fucking was because it was so fucking asinine, like "wow she's hot" or "wow she looks good in that costume" or something like that, and then she went "UM EXCUSE ME? DON'T YOU SEE HOW YOU MENTIONING HER BEAUTY MAKES ME FEEL?"
Mel if you are reading this you should know that you are not even a 1/999999999999th of the woman Elizabeth Hurley is, at any age, even when she's 80 and decaying she'll be hotter than you at your prime

laugh in her retarded face. then explain that shes a retard when she screeches "why are you laughing?"

everytime I watch new movies with my bf I have to hope it doesn't tick off his autism or else he gets upset for the whole night and wontt stop ranting. after we watched Red Rocket he wouldn't stop complaining about the movie ruining his night because it was so pointless and the characters pissed him off and yada yada yada. when I showed him One Cut of the Dead he called it stupid when we were 20 minutes in and then went to sleep so he wouldn't have to watch more of it. so now I just watch movies by myself while he sleeps. then he got really upset when I watched La Pianiste by myself and told him about how I really enjoyed it. he was upset that he missed out on me watching it and that I should've woken him up. thank you for reading my blog