
I want to cum inside Nikhat Zareen edition
>/desi/gnated faggots are not welcome

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hello friends


what’s the difference between this and /desi/?

desi is for the self-loathing fags


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Morning, sirs!

Time for Vishnu Puja!

/desi/gnated shit streets VS Sacred /bharat/

Monday is the day of Shiva my friend

fucking hell it's only 7:35 am yet
when did I wake up?

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hi bros

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good night

/bharat/ is a thing being forced by right wing Hindu nationalists on this board since they don't want to include the rest of South Asia simple as

All of South Asia is part of Bharat, retard

द्वितीय परार्धे श्री श्वेतवाराहकल्पे वैवस्वतमन्वन्तरे, अष्टाविंशतितमे कलियुगे, कलिप्रथम चरणे जम्बूद्वीपे भरतखण्डे भारतवर्षे पुण्यक्षेत्रे बौद्धावतारे वीर विक्रमादित्यनृपते : 2079
, तमेऽब्दे प्लवंग नाम संवत्सरे दक्षिणायने

Good morning sirs
How do I obtain Indian gf.
Do they like Africans?

yeah, they are all the craze in South India

Oh. Nice. Here I come then

you're welcome saar

Please come over and fuck this whore.

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