What will the car mechanics in California do?

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Become robbers.

Become mechanics on heavy equipment or move to other blue collar trades.

good thing that electric cars don't have

EV is not going to be a thing. it's not sustanable and doesn't solve the biggest issues : Lack of ressources, pollution and congestion.

Public transport and CO2 free methods of transports.

The world is going to run out of lithium if every cunt is going to transition into all EVs.

leave it to le based reddit man

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we're going to run out of everything

I advise you guys to invest in a good bicycle

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Wish hydrogen car technology wasn't complete shit right now.

go back to mexico


Im actually thinking about buying a bicycle so I can go to gyms and supermarket without taking my car. Gotta train my thighs though


Bikes aren't made out of wood and natural fibers.

Mainly steel and rubber, materials cheap and abondant. We're very far away from 2 tons heavy monstruosities.

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Good idea. Remember to have good lights on it and yellow vest at night.

it really is marvel

Idk what did blacksmiths do when folk stopped riding horses?

you aren't allowed to open them, if you do the computer shuts itself down because you voided the warranty.

they can become bicycle mechanics

>SocDem rose emoji

they are more efficient in using the brakes and ac, but everything else will become more frequent, and since the lightest EV is as heavy as a semi, they will run through more tires and their suspension will probably wear out faster.