What did Forrest do when Apple went bankrupt in the 90s?

What did Forrest do when Apple went bankrupt in the 90s?

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Didn't sell because he liked the sound of a fruit company and thought people would come back around to it again, was proven right and now he's a trilliionaire.


Forrest bails out Apple instead of Bill Gates.

If this movie was made today they'd have him meeting Jobs in the 80s

If this movie was made today it'd have weird CGI recreations of people.

Thankfully it was made in the 90s and they just used actors with their backs turned and old clip footage.

>old clip footage

Weird thinking they went bankrupt during the 90s then a decade later somehow became one of the most recognizable brands on earth along with coke and McDonald's

Who mentioned whitewashing?

Every major American airlines has filed for bankruptcy at some point in the last 35 years.

Literally the only reason is because they were the first ones to jump on the smartphone train and have retained a lead in it since them. Microsoft still dominates PCs. But Bill Gates didn't really have a choice. If Microsoft would've invested in smartphones they would've become richer than the next five largest companies combined and the big government assholes who hate every monopoly but the government and love to reward failure and punish success would've destroyed Microsoft.

If you haven't declared bankruptcy at least once, then you simply aren't going to make it.

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Only 90s kids will remember...

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America will be declaring bankruptcy soon thanks to the people who voted for Biden.

So what though?

Oh well, won't be the first time.

I too saw Pirates of Silicon Valley

Lots of companies declare bankruptcy as a way to default on debt and free up stock from shareholders so they can reissue them. There’s two kinds of bankruptcy. One is good because companies can do the above. The other kind is bad because debt holders and shareholders basically get to liquidate assets until they are compensated. You can read more about it online.

Only 00s kids will remember....

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cash out and retire

>cash out
He doesn't need the money
He's already practically retired, the most work he does in a day is mow some grass.

He invested in crypto?

>Literally the only reason is because they were the first ones to jump on the smartphone train and have retained a lead in it since them. Microsoft still dominates PCs. But Bill Gates didn't really have a choice. If Microsoft would've invested in smartphones they would've become richer than the next five largest companies combined and the big government assholes who hate every monopoly but the government and love to reward failure and punish success would've destroyed Microsoft.

When you say jump into “Smartphones” do you mean the iPhone, or the Newton, which failed in the marketplace but had a bunch of the features of the later iPhone?

As for Microsoft, they tried venturing into smartphones by purchasing Nokia, and making the Windows phone.
The Windows phone died within 6 years.
Meanwhile, the still currently updated Sailfish operating system, which was developed out of the Meego operating system, which was partially developed by Nokia is still a thing.
The current iOS operating system actually reminds me in some ways of the Meego operating system.

Nokia was releasing phones eith I think four different operating systems when Microsoft purchased them, and Microsoft managed to kill the brand by switching to the Windows system.