Seems a little unfair

Seems a little unfair.

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this was an incredibly uncomfortable movie

So would they really have just left in peace if he resisted sex with them?

if he slammed the door in their face what are they going to do about it?

they're women, they'll hone in on the smallest dumbest shit and blow it up until there's no going back. they pick the most bizarre nonsense hills to die on but they know they cant die because they're women. i hate women guys

Oh shit it's the no boobs gang

Is this movie any good? I didn't know Ana De Armas was in it, so now I'm curious.

its like the one on the right is siphoning off left's chin

Best movie of all time, of ALL TIME.

>the future isn't castiza...

>Imagine opening the door for people you don't know
Do normies really?

No. Claims like this are typical of sadists, but they would have just changed the rules in some other way. You see this with abusive parents who have two entirely contradictory sets of rules so that they always have an excuse to beat their kids.

Which is hilarious given how many women get murdered every year for this BS.

This movie would've been much better if the basic idea remained the same but then Keanu's character turns out to be a serial killer rapist psycho and outsmarts them both.

Then why are most murder victims men?

Like 20?

I mean they practically raped him in the shower.
If anyone's dubious to that claim, reverse the genders and you know that every feminist would be shrieking that it was rape.
No means no and all that

Because men do literally everything that requires risk or bravery, and that can get you murdered. And men do indeed get killed for shit-talking and trouble-making, but it's more likely for them to be killed for physically attacking others.
Women, on the other hand, almost always get murdered for being a total cunt about no big deal. It's their primary cause of being murdered.

They would go to the next house and try their schtick again.

not. enough.

>easily toss out the two crazy women
>one of the women comes back, breaks in and over powers the man
It was so fucking lazy and stupid how they captured him, that was my only gripe really

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There was never any "if"


No One Lives is somewhat similar to that idea. Instead of a duo of psycho dykes it's a gang of robbers though, still has the serial killer rapist psycho turning the tables on them part.

>Opening the door to strangers just because you are a thirsty coomer
Govt should state some task force like that so we can get rid of all the incels, they would fall for this shit so easy it would be hilarious to even execute them.

you would get all the single chads too then, its a fine line between incel and chadism

Two young girls in the rain, in the dark. And you think only comers would help them? What should I do, leave them to be raped and murdered because I'm a shut-in?

>worrying about exercising your options and what your wife will say