Imagine playing a team sport where you're assigned to play your own little mini-game the entire match

Imagine playing a team sport where you're assigned to play your own little mini-game the entire match

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And the entire game just ends when you grab, and you pretty much automatically win, making the whole game irrelevant, but allowing you a heroic scene in the story?

Yeah sounds dumb

JK Rowling is a talented bitch, but not at world building

Lol are you fucking retarded shes a genius at world building she just sucks at inventing game rules.

Or you can sperg out like Viktor Krum and just end the game cause you're getting spanked

>genius at world building

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The beaters are for balance, it's their job to fuck up the seeker.

Wouldn't the audience be pointing at or motioning to the snitch the whole game and give away its position?

It could be remedied if
A) the snitch gives less points thus giving you a better chance to still lose if you catch it
B) the snitch gives no points so you must chase the snitch if you are winning and defend it if you're losing

>expecting women to understand competitive sports

constantly interacting with the team

>bug chaser

>it seems your team is 140 points ahead, well done mr Bond, well done mr Bond, HOWEVER

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What i mean by "world building" is having a consistent world with underlying logic and interconnections that can exist without the story

For HP, this is not the case. Theres so many spells and oddities that ultimately do not make any sense in that context, including time travel

Not saying JK Rowling isnt legit. She is. But not at this specific aspect

>the snitch gives no points so you must chase the snitch if you are winning and defend it if you're losing
that would be so much better

She's genius at presenting her worldbuilding because it's so charming whole generations have used it as escapism, but the world itself makes absolutely no fucking sense at all.

>wizards shit in their pants
>kids run around with guns they don't know how to use
>rape drugs are widely sold

What if you're losing by 151 points before you catch it, do you still win?

Honestly the only interesting thing about broom polo.

idk it sounds like a pretty based world to me. i wish i could just poop wherever and whisk the carnage away. i could just let open the floodgates like if im in line or something and there's a w*man near me. PFPRFPRRTRRTTRRRRTTRRRR
i can let everyone suffer my smell for a while, and then when no one's looking i say "el vanisho shit" and it goes away

Would making the snitch give like 50 points fix quidditch? Though that would basically make the seeker useless if you're 50 points behind, seekers should have some way of disrupting the enemy seeker too

no the game ends and you lose by one point
yes I know

this would have let everything in the story function the same way without being retarded
but JK Rowling Will Always Be A Woman

is there a spell that could make statuatory rape charges go away?

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HP would of been better if it was just a magic sports series.