"And then I woke up."

>"And then I woke up."
Yeah, so did everyone in the theater.

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Based. This flick was shit.

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>Where are all the explosions?

i literally walked out after that scene

i finished reading this book just a few hours ago

what did he mean by this?

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does the author really not use proper punctuation? I read that in a thread somewhere

no quotation marks is weird at first, but you get used to it

why did the mariachi band decide to play music to a bloodied up white guy on the floor?

yeah, especially in this particular book since he wrote it as a screenplay

its a very easy read, only 300 pages

>it was all a dream
What a bunch of fucking hacks the Coen brothers are.

random shit that the coens put in the film

Was that before he paid the kids for the shirt and beer? I think the point was to show he was genuinely going to pay.

he uses elongated phrases. Depends on the novel really, 'all the pretty horses' is written normally.

McCarthy sometimes omits quotations and commas. It's not nearly as difficult to read as people meme about.

>When they entered Glanton's chamber he lurched upright and glared wildly about him. The small clay room he occupied was entirely filled with a brass bed he'd appropriated from some migrating family and he sat in it like a debauched feudal baron while his weapons hung in a rich array from the finials. Caballo en Pelo mounted into the actual bed with him and stood there while one of the attending tribunal handed him at his right side a common axe the hickory helve of which was carved with pagan motifs and tasseled with the feathers of predatory birds. Glanton spat.

>Hack away you mean red nigger, he said, and the old man raised the axe and split the head of John Joel Glanton to the thrapple.

>When they entered the judge's quarters they found the idiot and a girl of perhaps twelve years cowering naked in the floor. Behind them also naked stood the judge. He was holding leveled at them the bronze barrel of the howitzer. The wooden truck stood in the floor, the straps pried up and twisted off the pillow-blocks. The judge had the cannon under one arm and he was holding a lighted cigar over the touch-hole. The Yumas fell over one another backward and the judge put the cigar in his mouth and took up his portmanteau and stepped out the door and backed past them and down the embankment. The idiot, who reached just to his waist, stuck close to his side, and together they entered the wood at the base of the hill and disappeared from sight.

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not even a valid criticism since the movie is full of explosions and action scenes.

Schizo here Anton is a gov asset. His character is allegorical to gov involvement in illegal activities and the realities of what they carry out.
Can you see me? You're not supposed to be able to see the government working behind the scenes or even have knowledge of their capacity to commit atrocities as a civilian citizen. Being aware of their capacities likely means you've consumed some knowledge that was only accessible through means that would get you put on a list.

Another Coen Brothers veiled schizo threat regarding The Big Lebowski. Maude doesn't have sex with The Dude to conceive a child. She does it as a pretense to get him to a doctor for blood testing and as a check up to see if he's viable for organ harvesting for her psychotic high society friends.

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The pivotal scene is the final meeting between the sheriff and his uncle, where his uncle relates how one of their family members was gunned down by criminals on his own doorstep back in 1909. The point of his story, and the entire movie is laid in the next couple lines. Bad stuff has always happened. Your suffering isn't unique, and its not about you. We deal with it, as long as we can. The belief that our own suffering is special, that the evil that we face is unique; "that's vanity." The country in the title is life itself, and life can be rough. It wears you down over time, and inevitably we die. That's why it's no country for old men.

TEXAS!??!!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?! IN MY MOVIE?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!? WHAT'S NEXT??? THE KLU KLUX KLAN!?!?!? FAG-DRAGGING?

He invents new words and that warrants pulitzer prices breht suwm albuth.

>dude it was all a dream about Anton Nigurh who is actually my father!
Movie was dumb as fuck but i still enjoyed it. It's a silly yet relatable romp of violence and family values.