Why are cats always potrayed as evil and cold while dogs as kind and loyal?

Why are cats always potrayed as evil and cold while dogs as kind and loyal?

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they go for the realistic approach

Because that's how they are IRL

Cats are associated with bad luck

Because they are

Nice try pitbull fuckers

Because in nature, felines are far more ruthless. They are superior hunters and predators than canines

only black cats

Because cats have a personality and their own will.
Dogs are literal retards that are easily programmable.

Guess what the Jews prefer?

cats are more retarded than dogs tho


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they’re based retards though, dogs are cringe retards.

Dogs run the media, but try pointing this out and they’ll accuse you of anti-caninism.

my cat is gentle and based

99 percent of people should not own dogs. Everyone else has to deal with the noise and literal shit left everywhere by those fags

>superior predators than canines
>would literally get killed and eaten by a canine

cats do not love their humans. sure, you can have a bond, but that bond is superficial and directly based on whether or not you continue to feed them and clean up their shit. a dog's love and loyalty doesn't come with strings attached

same reason why nogs are portrayed as intelligent/sophisticated/civilized and whites are portrayed as hoods who play the knockout game

This is true but have you ever seen a cat confront a dog? The intimidation tactics cats use are stupidly effective. Makes dogs look like pussies.

>a dog's love and loyalty doesn't come with strings attached
Lol, you think a dog will like you if you don’t feed it, don’t show affection, and just treat it like shit in general?

because it's the truth, fuck c*ts

Some dogs still will, which is even less admirable. Shows they have no backbone.

>Literally only have to give them food, and a way out of your home. They do the rest on their own

>Have to feed them, go out with them 2-3 times a day, or they shit in your living room, play with them, or they will get depressed, pick up their shit, they smell like ass and so will your home/ car etc.

Yeah cats are the superior pet

I have a dog and a cat.

Man's best friend versus man's biggest parasite

Catfingerers pretend their pet likes them and not having to invest time in a living creature is an upside, just like they pretend NEETING is epic winning le game.

dogs are big retards that belong mostly outside