I can't believe the drug addicted, cross dressing, satanic...

>I can't believe the drug addicted, cross dressing, satanic, borderline pedophile who sings about blood and violence while dressed as a transsexual nazi turned out to be so angry and mean after I got in a relationship with them, someone needs to change the laws for me, so I don't keep making the same mistake.

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Can't believe he survived satanic panic and columbine but the thing that finally got him was some chick saying "he ouchie my vagine" like a decade after it's supposed to have happened.

She is trying to blame it all on brainwashing.

>Evan Rachel Wood
>“I mean, dating Marilyn Manson… it’s kind of impossible to keep that out of the spotlight… He had a hand in raising me!
>Oh, I’m always gonna love that guy. He’s a genius, he’s an amazing artist, we’re still friends. Some things just aren’t meant to be.”

who believe this documentary?

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Ed Norton, 36, dating 18 year-old costar Evan Rachel Wood

Evan Rachel Wood: Dating Older Men 'Works For Me'

>fuck you mum and dad, I'm old enough to make my own decisions

God I really hate women, but I really really really hate Evan Rachel Wood.

Was it actually during the tour that she change from Evan Rachel Wood to Evan Rachel Wood Not or is she lying about that too?

i love her full nude naked body in that hbo mini series mmm

what is her endgame?

No statue of limitations, so you can accuse anyone of a crime through all of time and be financially rewarded.

but she's getting sued and manson has way more money to spend on lawyers.

That is still her endgame, she made a 2 part marketing video with HBO to try to raise more money for lawyers.

What law could she possibly want changed? Raise the age of consent to 30?

seeHer coven wants the statute of limitations removed so woman can put any famous man in jail by accusing them of things they might have done decades ago since women are apparently so collectively dumb and spineless it takes decades to figure out they have been raped and be willing to do something about it.

well I just learned that marilyn manson has no money apparently. fucking cokehead.

According to REW, its more because he is a methhead who secretly doses people and she had no idea what meth was before getting involved with him.

I just want to worship her Jewish soles

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Apparently she would have let you whip her with nazi memorabilia instead, your request is too tame for a succubus of that caliber and you should feel embarrassed.

>I- I was brainwashed!... netflix HELP!...

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