Oh my fucking God, they're making a sequel with Isabelle and this is her and she's actually 24 in this shot

Oh my fucking God, they're making a sequel with Isabelle and this is her and she's actually 24 in this shot.

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well since she's an adult and they have the technology does that mean they'll actually you know

thats hot

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That "shot" is over 10 years old and she can't be in a sequel since her character is dead

its a prequel

twin sister

>Filmmakers revealed that they used a combination of makeup and forced perspective shots to allow Fuhrman to again portray Esther.[6] Two female child actors also served as body doubles for Fuhrman.[9]

*It was a hologram*

Im just gonna say it. If I was the father in Orphan I would have absolutely let her fuck me

>We want the Any Forums audience

>leonardo dicaprio produced a movie about an adult who looks like a loli and tries to rape her dad
really activated my walnuts

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The Any Forums audience loves hairy arms, no shame in that

She's too tall for any of that cracker chump jive to work. Her last role in a feature length production was The Hunger Games anyway (another killed off character)

Imagine being a little kid and you get to meet lots of big important movie stars

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>those shoes
God damn RDJ how fucking insecure can you be as a fucking multimillionaire

Maybe he's contractually obligated to wear lifts during public appearances.

what the heck? why is she barefoot?

What's wrong with them?

this wtf

Those are lifts for making him stand taller. They look like big ass basketball shoes to mask the fact that his feet are 3 inches off the ground

>Painted toe nails

No Thanks.

Plenty of shoes out there with a "edge" like that.
You can't possibly see if he has some lifts inside though.

Dan Schneider is actually sitting to her left with $20 to find out if she's ticklish