Which movie had the best batsuit?

Which movie had the best batsuit?

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Dark Knight's V8.


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Never would I take my own life, Citizen. That would play right into the foul hands of Gothlam's criminal element.

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>if you kill yourself the number of killers in the world goes down by 1

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next batman movie there is going to be a scene focused on how to protect adn armor his legs

I don’t remember begins suit being that shitty looking, damn.

It looked better in the dark. Batman in general looks kind of silly when he's in a well-lit space.

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so how come early batman suits couldn't turn their necks? were costume designers just retarded?

Riddler, you diabolical fiend...

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The answer, of course, is that they aren't real Batmans.

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That one always looked like shit in promotional pics

>hockey pads

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The way the suit wraps around his muscles looks distractingly unrealistic.


Fat Bat best Bat.

Aesthetic as fuck.

This one is the most authentic to the comics while also being threatening looking in a physically imposing way, rather than being body armor. The other Batman's look dangerous because of their tech, not their training or physicality.

snyder is a fag, but i think this is the coolest one we have seen on film.

I think it's intentionally meant to replicate muscle to hide the armor within, makes sense if the point is to scare off thugs and make them think you're just a hulking muscle demon

so why wasn't the symbol on his chest the gun that killed his parents? It looks perfect for it