I don't feel so good

>I don't feel so good....

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good movie, fun to re-watch
10 Cloverfield Lane is better though

This gave you a boner... Didn't it?

Attached: I don't feel so good....gif (320x240, 360.7K)

I’ve seen countless movies, played many spoopy vidya and seen some shit in my line of work but this scene always disturbs me. No idea why.

what actually happens if you get bitten by them?

It's because we spent time with her & she dies in a gruesome manner, This shit happens all the time in horror manga.

Can someone explain what exactly happened to her on a physiological level? At first I thought maybe "bites" laid eggs in them or something but they didn't seem concerned about that and obviously the explosive force didn't send more of them scattering all over the place so what does a bite really do to a mfer?

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We swell up with white blood cells like a mosquito bite.

Some kind of infection i think
I wish they fleshed out this movie "series" more

When the architect goes too far

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High blood pressure

No suchthing as too far.

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nerve gas

Attached: Species 2.webm (480x360, 1.14M)

wtf, I thought her head exploded. Is this some sort of really good edit?

sudden doom infection with no possible help

a guy in my row at the showing i was in fainted after this scene. he got up to leave and then just fell across our laps and was out for some time afterward.

Nope, She inflated.

biologically it was probably something to do with deep-sea pressure differentials.

realistically JJ has an inflation fetish

Yeah sure the bite of the sea louse creates the pressure of the deep ocean in your blood, makes sense

>OH N-

It's a chemical reaction, not a pressure one.