Actors with godly facial hair

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he looks like he frequents leather bars at night

That's one homo stache. Leather daddy tier

how do you even grow one like that

you grow the beard around it and then shave

Scott Thompson?


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What happened to him? Why has he given up on acting?

Put some glasses on him and he becomes Ned Flanders.

i wish

The leather daddy look is objectively kino.

yeah, na, i can barely grow a beard,

It looks like a fucking broom. He could sweep the floor with that tash.


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white actors?

Same guy? He was full facial hair kino in Shotcaller

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Imagine that eating your asshole out. Christ what I would give to let him rim me

Henry Cavill had an amazing stache to the point I wanted to see Cavill star in a biopic about Don Frye.

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Wtf i didn't know you could say nigger on Twitter?

i want to grow a 'stache since my dad had one when he was my age but they got ruined by homos

This guy's American accent was horrendous


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