Dumb busty blonde movies? (Not Marilyn Monroe)

Need something new to watch. Preferably from the late 50s to early 90s. Marilyn Monroe is boring and I've already exhausted Jayne Mansfield's catalog.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Andy Sidaris films

Anything with Barbara Valentin

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Barb Wire
The Getaway

>Andy Sidaris
Tried a few, only enjoyed Malibu Express. His women aren't really dumb either, just hot.

>Barb Wire
Again, wasn't really dumb. Pretty disappointing movie.

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>Barbara Valentin
Nice. Anything specific?

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See the Getaway-Prime Kim Basinger

>The Getaway
1994 or 1972?

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>Prime Kim Basinger
Oh. 1994 then. I just rewatched Batman recently and she was really sexy in that. Couldn't believe it was the same woman from Cool World.

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Garbage "comedy"

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>Ist Das Haus Häschen

Suggestions on HBO Max or Tubi would be especially appreciated.

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They said dumb busty blonde movie. Never said good dumb busty blonde movie.

Good (or at least enjoyable) would definitely be preferred. It's why I gave a specific time range.

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Close Calls (2017).

what movie(s)?

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Haven't seen it but I think all four pics are from Naked Gun 33⅓: The Final Insult

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Whats up with the bruises on her shoulder? It was distracting in Pam and Tommy.

Jayne Mansfield

>I've already exhausted Jayne Mansfield's catalog

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I actually don't jerk off to dead women so getting through her films has been one of the hardest things I've ever done.

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This is getting a Criterion release soon. I really wish they were doing Will Success Ruin Rock Hunter? instead. She's much hotter there.

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Diana Dors

Anita Ekberg?
easily hotter

>Close Calls (2017).
I get the feeling this is a really garbage film you recommend to others because you're pissed you spent time on it. But unfortunately, you've convinced me.

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it's the only good movie mentioned ITT