90s actresses were just better

90s actresses were just better

>35/36 y/o

compare that to emma watson

Attached: s-l400.jpg (280x400, 20.24K)

Other urls found in this thread:


33 y/o

Emma watson and 2010s+ actresses cant compete

Attached: total-recall-year-1990-usa-sharon-stone-director-paul-verhoeven-B7XJF9.jpg (846x1390, 170.05K)

>Literal who

33 years old

baby want!!

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>compare that to emma watson
She won't fuck you either

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Sharon Stone

This song is about her:

sharon stone

this pic related bitch was mid 40s

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they weren't. the cameras were just shit.

literal sex goddess you will never have, or become

actually sharon stone fucked me in the back of a chick fil a in 1992 and axl rose took a shit in the stall next to me

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lol it wasnt the 1920s, here she is at 36

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>>Literal who
>admitting you're 18
Swing and a miss.

She do got a flat ass tho

a good face is worth so much more than a good body

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yeah, na. good body with a latex hood.

Mmm look at the brapper of the middle one

only if youre a germanic bvll

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where can a gent find more of these 80s lewd softcore poster pics? I used to have one on my wall, wondering if there's a gallery somewhere of all these.

reddit has a subreddit for them all in hq but we hate reddit here apparently

I might make an exception for this mission. Whats the sub's name?

>where can a gent find more of these 80s lewd softcore poster pics

check on /s/ atm theres a threat atm for them

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