Still no movie adaptation of Dante's Divine Comedy, the greatest piece of literature of all time

>still no movie adaptation of Dante's Divine Comedy, the greatest piece of literature of all time

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David Lynch could be the only one that could make it, though.

still no ricardo biopic

Make one yourself homie. You got a phone, get some editing apps, record a little soundtrack on garageband. Dont rush it, do a little bit here n there. Make it stop-motion with clay if you cant find actors. I cant wait to see it.

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it wouldn't work. It would be like a 12 hour exposition-filled walking tour full of awful CGI. The greatness of the story is in its language and cryptic nature, not its plot or characters.

there's an animated movie
pretty brutal

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they literally did

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>literal fanfiction is the greatest piece of literature of all time


>I went to the afterlife and met my idol and he said I was really cool and took me on a tour of hell and we saw all the most amazing italians throughout history and also the guys who assassinated caesar are literally as bad as judas iscariot. for some reason my wop fanfiction wank is now considered synonymous with actual christianity.

>divine comedy
>not even funny
Bravo Dante

it technically is funny in context with when it was written

I mean imagine the pope getting BTFO in one of the most sought after literature

only the first book is any good

But the house that jack built exists

who could play him?

Yes, and I'm talking about the Aeneid.

>movie about Christianity
>in Anno Domini 2022
c'mon now

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Its been done perfectly already

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They toned it down a LOT from the game. No Cleopatra Boss climbing a big penis swinging off her tits, for example, unfortunately.

and he was a good firned

>comedy is 3 parts
atheist inhabit the lowest of the levels

They even made Virgil black so it technically lives up to current year woke standards.

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Wow what a fucking nice thread about television you retard faggot