if God is all powerful, then he is not all good

> if God is all powerful, then he is not all good.

This movie have some deep quotes

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If a sentient robot is Christian and accepts Jesus as its lord and savior, does it go to Heaven when it dies?

more like not deep

No soul, no salvation.

Can science recreate the human soul? If not, your question doesn't need to be asked. If so, it's already answered.

How so? God uses power for good. Get over it heliocentric jackass

What is a soul?

Probably not, hard to make a call on until we see legit AI sentience irl. If 'heaven' (or closest approximation to it) is a realm exceeding the boundaries of dimensional reality then there would theoretically be a reality where the robot is reconstructed. It would not make much sense, but at that point you are in the territory of existence emerging from absolute nothingness which also doesn't make sense.

Quote doesn't even make sense. Absolute brainlet take


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I miserable pile of secrets

The jewish bullshit conception of sentience, which they could not ascribe to anything that wasn't human or more specifically jewish. Non-jews do not have souls per jewish theology and are just animals.

The more advanced European conception of soul as sentience ascribed a gradient level of intelligence to animals, which is why it is morally hurtful to a person to kill and eat an animal they've raised and bonded with. Pythagoreans pioneered this concept.

I am literally writing a sci-fi story about this exact subject. Spoiler, yes. Nothing is beyond God's ability, even bestowing a soul to a worthy android. One must think if the android is intelligent enough to accept Christ as his savior is that not a sign of a soul? If an android genuinely fears he might spend eternity in hell is that not proof that he has a soul? Would a being with no soul fear for their soul?
>I think, therefore I am.

Sounds like a shit story fren

Kinda based idk

Turn it into a kids book and make millions
'The little robot who went to heaven' or some dumb shit

Don't read it then, no biggy. I don't need the money I just want to explore novel philosophical ideas via science fiction and I'm sure someone will enjoy it.

Idea stolen

>day 1 theology makes for good writing
I disagree

If he has the power to commit atrocities (which he no doubt does), then he is not all good, even if he doesn't use the power.

I'm a different user and I'm pretty sure no one will read pseud-tier science fiction written by a christcuck (no matter how earnest he is...).

No, it's not God's creation so it's not in his grace.

God IS good. He is the source of all good and is goodness itself.

I thought that was Homelander