>"Its actually well known in Hollywood that Bruce Lee was an egomaniac"

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I'd be whooping your ass up and down the block joe rogen

I feel sorry for Asian men because their only masculine icon got BTFO by Chad Pitt

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imagine all the people who has had a lie as their idol for decades. He was never "humble, focused martial arts prodigy" he was just a glorified stuntman

It's well know in martial arts that he wasn't a great fighter too. Like his role in martial arts can't be overstated but in terms of his actual ability to fight he was only about as good as an amateur MMA fighter.

Of course he was
>midget martial artist thinks he’s the greatest fighter ever despite never being in a professional fight

I honestly don't get it. The entire sequence is implied to be a fantasy of Brad Pitt's of how badly it would go if he visited Leo on-set. The one time we see the "real" Bruce Lee is in a flashback where he's helping Sharon Tate train for a movie and being a nice guy.

Django is his best film

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reminder he a scumbag

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arent we all though. Youre just too autistic to know how to act on it

say what you want about tarantinolli, at least he knows you gotta be using real squibs in your gun fights. there's just no substitute

Not surprising really. Lee's voice has the stereotypical arrogant chink tone to it.


Horse shit.

Everyone in Hollywood is an egomaniac. Except rare birds like Denzel.

Based on what nigger there's one video of him actually sparring and it's mediocre as hell.

i thought it was a flashback of why he wasnt allowed on set anymore

It's probably also relative. Fighting sports have moved forward and been refined past what people were generally doing in his time. He was probably good for then, and he was one of the earlier adopters of practicing multiple types of fighting instead of single schools. But now basically every good fighter does that.

She's the one who can't drive

Asian Americans love Bruce Lee because he was an Asian who succeeded in America. It doesn't matter if he had a shitty personality, couldn't fight, whatever. All that matters is he became rich and famous in a white man's country.

There were plenty of boxers and wrestlers in the 70's having real fights and making real advancements. Lee could have proven what he could do if he had really wanted to.

its a black male thing

This. It was a major blow to asian men everywhere, I’m surprised it wasn’t called racist by anyone.

There's a lot of that too. UFC and similar style events did a lot to rapidly progress martial arts styles that were relevant.