Fuck that was terrible. Can't believe this placed shilled this shit so hard

Fuck that was terrible. Can't believe this placed shilled this shit so hard.

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Any Forums didn't shill it hard at all. Shut up faggot

You're three months late

I loved it

>expecting it to me anything more than entertainment at best

It's one of the worst capeshits ever. Nobody I know liked it. Where the fuck did the praise and box office come from?

I'd rather get fucked in the ass by giant black cocks than watch this again, and I'm a straight guy.

I bet you think about that scenario a lot fag

everyone was shilling any crap that came out to help theater, all bloggers are scum

Don't know about OP, but I expected it to be trash and it turned out to be even worse.

We didn't though, we were lusting over that cute reporter girl

Don't even remember her

You finished it? I couldn't get passed the first 45 mins and I was looking at my phone almost the entire time. Boring, predictable, same marvel superhero shit we've seen for the last 10 years.

Zoomers like the brand spiderman and they like the woke shit. If they like it they're hip and good people. Even if it's objectively shit, like this movie.

>I couldn't get passed the first 45 mins and I was looking at my phone almost the entire time
Any Forums in a nutshell

At least you downloaded it for free right?

It wasn't great but I enjoyed it.
Would've been so much better if the tone wasn't so jarring. It has Peter mourning over aunt May all bloody in one scene, and then the immediate next scene is a 3-stooges homage

See this user gets it

I already said I'm not a fag. It's just that the movie is so bad. I was watching it cringing and it raped my childhood in a sense. I'd rather spend my adulthood raped than have my childhood raped. And the pain from No Way Home will stick with me for the rest of my life, if I get fucked by big black cocks it won't hurt me forever just in the moment, unless they have AIDS but I'd still rather get AIDS than watch No Way Home. I mean no matter what the sex will be pleasuring, why do you think straight men do it in prison? It's because it'll feel good regardless of whether or not you're gay. There was nothing pleasurable about No Way Home.

>Can't believe this placed shilled this shit so hard.
It's not us who advertise this slop. Hollywood periodically sends their paid shills to this site whenever an upcoming blockbuster is set to premiere. Happens all the time with capeshit.

The shills are real

Attached: disney marketing in action.jpg (1763x846, 444.77K)

No way really? Marvel flick #56 was bad? Damn who woulda guessed.

The fanservice was shit

Why would Disney market another studios' movie?