I don't tip

>I don't tip.

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Neither do I

Only when I am drunk

I post shit

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Outta the fuckin BLUE

I'm european so neither do I

A lot of Europe is non tip, so I never got the fuss.
>Boo hoo, my job pays badly
Get a better job? Like I never got the rationale for why I should pay for other people's shitty life choices.

The original "Not my problem"

fuck tipping culture, burgers are braindead


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>Get a better job?
Truth is they can't because they can't pass a background and/or piss test. Same reason why most stick with working a shitty retail job. The only other places that'll take them is fast food.

>Truth is they can't because they can't pass a background and/or piss test.
So they're druggies or criminals? Again, why is that my problem? Like here's a suggestion, stop smoking meth.

tipping is communism and not my problem

It's absolutely not your problem. I was just telling you why they never quit and seek better jobs. Yes, most people in low level jobs are drug users and/or criminals. When I worked retail, they'd get 30+ applications and immediately disqualify 90%+ of them with the drug test and background check.

how the fuck can you tip before getting the food?
that's giving someone money before you even know if the service they provide is any good

>muh ear

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i think you meant to say that a minimum wage is communism

>American consoomers are so cuckolded they willingly allow businesses to underpay members of their community and force the customer to make up the difference

They'll then send their sons off to die in foreign lands to defend their right to do so

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no because i am not retarded like you

If you eat your food and don't tip when you leave they will spit in your food.

the delusions under which the average muttican operates is unbreakable

They get minimum wage, not that's underpaying them.

Tips are unironically a great thing. If waiters weren't being compensated through tips, then they'd just get paid more by their boss. And it's not a 1 to 1 ratio either because of taxes. Not all tips get taxed, so if a waiter gets 100 dollars in tips and that has to now be compensated by their boss, their boss would need to increase their pay by over 100 dollars. And obviously, if a boss has to increase the pay of their waiters, the price of the food will go up to cover it. So I think tips are great because me giving a 15% tip is cheaper than giving no tips but paying more for food. Also me giving no tip when I get take-out is much cheaper than paying an increased price for food. I hope tipping never goes away.

Congratulations, you pay more at restaurants. Seethe.