No super serum. No blonde hair or blue eyes. The only power I have is that I believe we can do better

>No super serum. No blonde hair or blue eyes. The only power I have is that I believe we can do better.
Is he more inspirational than Steve Rogers?

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nigga stole my shield


Is it wrong for me to hope Anthony Mackie gets cancelled so that based Sebastian can take over as Bucky Cap?

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You can't be inspirational while also villifying white people. That aside Mackie is a good actor and I hope he finds better work than being Disney's new pet nigger after Boseman died.

>tfw blue eyes, blonde hair and "not being a nigger" are in the same league as literal super powers

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>Nigger can do what white people need super serum for
lol America

Basically this. From interviews he’s not a pity monger, but that’s what Disney wants him to be because they are tone deaf and out of touch with reality.

As much as I hate Marvel and the overhyoed Black Panther shit, it really is unfortunate that Chadwick just up and died out of no where.

>I believe we can do better.
It's a nice sentiment I suppose but so vague that you can ascribe any meaning to it. Everyone thinks we can do better, they just don't agree on what better is.

Now that Natalie Portman is back as Jane...

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I don't care that he's Cap. But he shouldn't be able to use the shield.

Yeah. Bucky is extra lame.

I haven't watched the show but from what I've seen posted over and over on this board he hasn't said anything about white people.


>No serum
Bucky catching the shield surprised the fuck out of Rogers. No one who isn't legit super powered should be catching a dull magic buzz saw made of alien metal.

>I believe we can do better.
>acts like a fucking rat
>leaves his allies to die
>leaves Steve's friend to die
>spits on Steve's shield, and then demands it back
>accept the armored suit from a bunch of authoritarian fascists who demonstrate in that same series that they leave kill switches in the gifts for their allies
>damage controls for terrorist vermin who burned people alive

Get fucked

Trust the science, just 2 more weeks.

Hey, don't think about, it's a shield out of metal that absorbs all impacts and vibrations and yet Steve bounces him around.

Isnt there a line where he brings up race? Something like people wont accept him as new captain america because hes black? I forgot the exact wording.

no one wants a gross old hag

It behaves nothing like a buzz saw, it bounces. And didn't Nat use it briefly in like Ultron? I think he shouldn't be as good at using it though.