
Happy Birthday William Shatner 2nd edition


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Happy Birthday, Captain.

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Another Shat thread
oh no

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what a chad
>every nukirk is a skinny twink

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8 years before

Bros, is it getting hot in here?

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JC, lets meet there?

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>no Tawny
>no Jack
Eh. I'll probably go to a con this year tho.

Because he's an actor, and most actors are dimwits.

Shatner wouldn't let them ruin Kirk.

I wonder when we'll see Picard's mom again.

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no Noels

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Happy birthday Captain Kike

You should cosplay as Tasha

She cute

>begin recording, personal log, Odo.
>this is it, im going to die a solid, forever banished for killing a changeling.
>i find it, upon reflection, very puzzling that the founders were capable of taking away my gelatinous nature, I would have assumed it was an intrinsic part of being a changeling but whatever.
>i also regret never using my awesome changeling powers very much, I could turn into immortal fucking fog and just didn't.
>p.s. quark is probably dead up the hill a bit

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Happy Birthday, Mister Shatner!

Love, /trek/

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I love it.


Geez printed press is so slow.
No insider exposé of Judy.

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This was a poignant scene from the much maligned S1 of TNG.
Of course, it's now ruined by hack writers thirty years later with the whole 'domestic violence' or 'getting abducted by the Borg' thing.

i like this