Was he lying about his military accomplishments?

Was he lying about his military accomplishments?

Attached: KOTH_Cotton-001.jpg (1000x746, 245.27K)

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He ain’t got no shins

>fought in Germany and the pacific theater
What a chad. Hank never stood a chance of living up to his father’s expectations

Stolen valor.

Can this happen in real life?

He could have been attacked by some nigger's pitbulls.

Wasn't this the plot of an episode? Hank realized that his father's stories were inconsistent and probably impossible to reconcile thanks to geography and timing. I remember Hank deciding to let sleeping dogs lie because he was his father and Cotton's stories were all he had.

No, you need shins to live

No. Cotton was a certified badass.

It was Peggy that discovered that the stories didn’t make sense. He was in Japan though, because Junichiro exists.

Then how did cotton live with none?

I still havent got round to watching king of the hill


He captured Hitler's canoe for fuck sake. Show the man some respect.

Not a single non white neighbor. Nice Mike Judge.

Piece of shit.

They were american, none of them were white

Nigger, Khan lives next door to him, and John Redcorn regularly cures Nany’s headaches.

She killed fiddy men in exchange for living without shins

You can lose your shins. But they can't attach your feet to your knees.

>But they can't attach your feet to your knees
They probably could, but you'd walk all stiff legged like Cotton does.


Why did Cotton and Hank have such a hard time expressing their love for their sons? Why is it considered unmanly to express what any father feels toward their children?

Khan is a god-tier character.


But is he Chinese or Japanese?
>cotton immediately recognizes he’s from da ocean

he's like a banana
yellow on outside, but white inside

He is hilarious, and sadly would not be allowed anymore because his VA is white.

Opsec. The fact was Cotton WAS a legit Colonel in the army. He did run some legit secret missions that were corroborated by his old war buddies that were on his team. Either he intentionally fudged up some of the stories because he will forever be militarily obligated to keep up the opsec of his missions.

Fuck Ted Wassanasong for trying to get my boy killed by guilt tripping him about being a banana.

old guys tell stories, it's what they do. just let them have it, they're old...and some of them gots not shins.

...NOPE. He's Laotian! Ain't you Mr. KHAN??

That is the “real man” mentality on full display, where it’s only acceptable to express “hard” emotions. Notice that it’s true of Hank and Khan in equal measure. Notice how their names are anagrams. Boomhauer is the same, in that he is free to express and act on lust, but keeps 99% of his partners emotionally at arm’s length. Dale also tends to express only hard emotions, but he’s psychologically weaker than the others, and Bill is the weakest of all of them in terms of being a “real man.”