Being There

Never seen it discussed here. Unusual film that's really well made funny and serious at the same time. Has a lot to say about politics, society, psychology and maybe even God.

Kinda curious about what Any Forums thinks.

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alt boomer kino

There was a faux conspiracy video on YT about how Kubrick had made this picture. Pretty funny.

My dad loves it because it shows shithole 70's DC.

Saw something similar maybe same even that it was Kubrick who filmed the moon landings. That scene with the TVs displayed in the shop window

I liked it but I’m not sure I got it

Still gets to me how a major Hollywood production can openly say that the President is chosen by a few rather than democratically elected. Always thought that was maybe why Hal Ashby stopped making kino after this

Oh wow his innocent childlike soul is like Jesus lmao

Attached: 1645672403669.jpg (897x1200, 738.32K)

Rob Ager. He makes a good argument for it. There are tons of films that are ghost directed, this being one of them.

Yeah it's totally impossible that Hal Ashby, a good director, could direct a good film.

I'm going to watch The Thing again for the 83rd time instead.

Attached: the_thing_flamethrower.jpg (600x255, 13.24K)

It's about banging MILFy 70s Shirley Maclaine.

>There are tons of films that are ghost directe

There really aren't

Nah man. There couldv been a submerged walkway just under. It was left ambiguous enough to at least be able to consider that

Other examples user?

>walking on water

what did it mean?

rambo 2

What the heck? Tombstone sucks.

iirc that video is just making a point about how the 2001 footage is used in Being There, not that Kubrick actually directed Being There

Jerzy Kosinski was not just a filthy kike, but a sick fuck in general.

I thought it was an actual comedy and rented it while renting dvd's were still a thing with my dad.
We turned it off during the shlicking part.