Does anyone unironically like this movie?

Does anyone unironically like this movie?

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tommy wiseau does

Laughing at it is not inherently ironic.

It is the worst movie ever made for a reason and if you unironically like it (read: none of that "so bad it's good" or "it's unintentionally funny") shit then you're either Tommy Wiseau or you're just a moron

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It isn't the worst movie ever made, it's actually watchable. There are movies out there are almost impossible to finish, like Monster A Go Go

I'd rather seriously watch it than any capeshit movie that has come out over the past few years.

What does that even mean? Yes, I like it unironically, but that doesn't mean I think it's a good movie, or entertaining for the intended reasons. There was effort and heart put into it and you can feel it.

It's kind of like watching twin peaks: the return, but maybe 180 degree opposite. You're just constantly trying to figure out the meaning of anything that's happening. With twin peaks, you're trying to figure out the logic and intelligence behind it. With this, you're trying to figure out what the dysfunction and stupidity behind it all is.

not as much as most hipsters but theres parts like where he catches the football and crashed into metal cans and i laugh every fucking time

>There was effort and heart put into it and you can feel it.

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Nothing was good about this movie. If you saw it more than once on purpose, I do not value your opinion about anything and do not want to be anywhere near you.


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It is not a good movie as it was intended: a dark drama. It is a fun movie to watch with friends and goof on it though.
>"I Will" is a certified banger of a track though

The Room is more entertaining than any MCU or DCEU flick

What's the big difference between The Room and a David Lynch movie? What makes on art and the other trash?

Who cares, I enjoy both

it's Casablanca for the new millennium
True masterpiece that plebs will dismiss as SO LE BAD IT'S LE GOOD

Not enough sex scenes

I like going to see this at midnight showings
I like throwing spoons at the screen with the crowed, and wearing a cheap oversized tux. lots of folks dress up. good date night if you GF wears a red dress and you come with a dozen roses and spoons
its great fun

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I like the main theme

My enjoyment of it isn't ironic. I derive my entertainment from it in another way than the director intended, but it's genuine.

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I like the tits.

ha ha ha ha ha
what a story, mark