Age 20: laugh at him

>Age 20: laugh at him
>Age 30: you are him

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>I could make a movie better than Disney

I'm a 31 year old NEET and I agree
If you didn't make it in your teens and 20s, you're fucked for life

He’s the best character in that entire movie, so it’s all good.

i cant relate to him in terms of sporting achievements but the sentiment of wanting to go back to high school and be a teenager again to do it all over, sure.

>AGE 40: I envy him

I'm Kip, but without the black gf.

I'm pedro but white

I didn’t get his character’s ending

>age 47
>don't care anymore

His woman came back for him

Is that how the time machine was advertised to work?

>napoleon dynamite
>monster squad
I would kill for his career

I don’t remember them setting that up at all. Maybe I missed it since I haven’t watched the film in years.

I also have that wanderlust not over sports or highschool but just in geeneral being 17 was the funnest time in my life. Just a dumb kid smoking weed riding dirtbikes drinking doing jackass whiteboi shit

But yeah at 29 I'm not bitter over 'the what was' just wish I could get back to being that happy.

How could you fucking forget Real Genius?

Kek underrated

Wonder if he banged any of the ladies in the cast
I’d be jealous

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Kip looks normal in real life

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If I could send my current mind to my younger self I would change so much of what I did. And spend more time with people I no longer can. I would also have the knowledge to become ultrawealthy and crush all the enemies of mankind.

Go watch ending on youtube. His gf comes back to his van in the middle of nowhere. Happy ending for everyone.

The first conversation at the diner with Napoleon has him say he broke up with her because she was upset he was living in the past. At the end a woman bikes up to his van and he walks over to meet her

>I don’t remember them setting that up at all
When he's introduced he mentions that his wife/girlfriend left him

Looks like someone shot up Charlie Day with gayjuice.

charlie day and jared leto's gay butt baby

I don't know, it feels like my life is finally getting started. I have completed a decade of grinding and am starting to reap the benefits. I feel genuinely bad for guys who give up and start to go to seed when they're turning 30, there's so much more time.

Keep that little spark of passion alive, lads. Don't let a few years of wagecucking extinguish you.

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I just thought she was some random chick who thought he looked rad and wanted to meet him.

I'd happily bang 1986 mary woronov if you get what Im saying

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>Age 20: laugh at him
>Age 30: you are him

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this more than that jock

Unless it was in the audio commentary or she's in the credits as Rico's old girlfriend, it's your headcanon.

Nah his reaction makes it pretty clear she's the ex

>I need to be spoon fed
Do you need to be told every 5 minutes a character is the villain too

Good Advice.
I plan to peak at 55. It's a solid crossroads of technique and experience. Then I plan on living another 55 years.