Contreversial opinion:

Contreversial opinion:
This movie was a huge pile of garbage.
>Humans bad muhrica bad
>Blue things good
The most vapid, shitty commentary on colonialism and the rest of the movie is just a bunch of boring shit and nonsensical garbage.
This was the only movie I ever watched where I could take absolutely nothing from it. A gigantic waste of time and money.

Attached: MV5BMTYwOTEwNjAzMl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwODc5MTUwMw@@._V1_.jpg (510x755, 54.63K)

This movie sucked and I was rooting for the humans.

What did you think of the sequel? Seems like everyone forgot it already.

Attached: Avatar 2.jpg (750x923, 92.16K)

It's just Dances With Wolves in space

This is not controversial at all.

The movie was visually impressive at the time but the writing was so bad I considered it an insult.

Is that controversial? Everybody I talked to thought it was not very good.

>Humans bad muhrica bad
>Blue things good
That’s the popular opinion rn but change blue to black

Not a controversial opinion. Also you spelled controversial wrong.

There's nothing controversial about that, most people don't remember Avatar but most of those who do have nothing nice to say about it past its effects.

>How does it feel to betray your own race?
Cameron writes race traitors very well.

It's mostly a 3D tech demo. Only worth watching in 3D cinemas. Shame there is not more like it. Cinemas should provide provide 3D audio, 3D visual, high frame-rate experiences you cannot get at home if they want to survive.

Yup. This movie only made so much because of the 3D gimmick. Hell I went twice to see it. It was amazing to look at and spawned a decade of movies trying replicate it. Too bad the story sucked.

>controversial opinon
nobody smart thinks this movie was good, user

Futurama was never funny.

Attached: Futurama-01_0.jpg (1600x1200, 479.69K)

Stallone's Judge Dredd was superior to the 2012 version in every single way (including based Rob Schneider).

Attached: judge dredd.jpg (522x650, 38.18K)

and yet they saw it twice in cinema and another two times on tv. It's literally the biggest cliche among normies. They liked avatar - almost everyone liked it but then it became cool to hate it so everyone adopted that.

You always get the odd Twitter faggots who watch a movie over and over in the cinema to generate false hype. The only good thing to come from this movie was the mass suicides it caused.

>almost everyone liked it but then it became cool to hate it so everyone adopted that.
Being wowed by the effects is not the same as liking it. Once the wow so pretty factor is over people realize it has no substance.

You need some kind of... unobtanium reuptake inhibitor or something

A reminder that Stallone (jewish btw) insisted that the movie should have less dark and oppressive atmosphere and with less violence in order to show it to the kids; he also insisted on the pointless love interest in the plot, or else he's not playing at all; he also insisted to include Rob Schneider (jewish btw) as a comedic relief character; he also insisted on playing without the helmet because he's a narcissist.

The movie also has "The Dredd Song" by The Cure. It's a mess.

It didn't even get glowing reviews at the time. Its success was an extremely strange phenomenon

yes, it just ripped of Dances with Wolves, The Last Samurai, and that one disney Atlantis Movie, but replaced the hot indigenous girls with blue cat monkey things

Based opinion: Avatar was the last action KINO

>he also insisted on playing without the helmet because he's a narcissist.
Wrong. He wanted to play with the helmet on but the studio insisted.