Based or cringe?

Based or cringe?

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Unless he had terminal cancer or was in constant chronic pain, cringe

Cringe unless he jumps off a cliff or something. Imagine letting a nurse put you down like a sick dog.

Immensely based. Why would a decreptit, dying man prolongue his last years of life just to suffer, to consume instead of leaving this earth peacefully?
On the other hand Rothschild had his seventh heart transplant last year,lmao, that kike sure fears hell

Can anyone here imagine living to 86? Even 60 seems like too much for me.

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>Decide to die
>Don't take out judges, politician or CEO with you
Yup cringe

It's probably dementia, something that can't be mitigated and will not kill you. If you have cancer then whatever, you will just die from cancer. If you have dementia you are going to lose yourself and be pathetic for the rest of your life, unable to even comprehend what is happening.

He could give some use to his death and going Allahuh akbar against the Congress.

If the government issued a suicide pill that everyone gets when they are born and its freely available to take at your leisure

would you have taken it by now?

*the government in this scenario doesn't want you to take it they believe you should have the right to exit

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What the fuck is he gonna do at 86? Batter them with his walker?

If I had no family yeah, but until then I would just keep it very close

I would have taken it when I was 12/13. If it was available tomorrow I’d be the first buyer.

He could stab one at a party before offing himself, maybe even get away with it and keep going

Based, he's a chud and needs to die

A lot of people would take it. You can't make suicide too easy. There are many points in any normal person's life when they would take it. You get in a bad situation, you get in accident and the pain in unbearable, you get drunk and suicidal etc. You would have taken it if it was just in your pocket.
Just putting a little barrier is enough to prevent most suicides. It's like those bridges where people kill themselves. You put the mildest inconvenience on that bridge and the suicide rates fall off significantly.

Assisted suicide should be legal but you have to go through a few hoops, sign some papers, arrange and pay for your own funeral.

Its a code you cash in a pharmacy

Yes. I only have my father and granma to pretend to live for. I am an unemployed, single, ugly man with an ugly soul. So, sure. Give me my pill.

A brave choice. Good for him.

Fuck no. I support a euthanasia pill, but it should only be freely available for people who are 60+ or people who are chronically ill/disabled.

Agreed. Although it should be a hell of a lot easier than it is now. My grandpa was on his deathbed, literally in the hospital, and they still refused to give him an overdose of painkillers. So they let him bleed out instead and it took a long time. Stupid coward doctors.

As a teenager yeah probably, I’m happy and in a good place now, and I think that alone makes the idea of giving people a guaranteed suicide pill at birth to use anytime dumb lmao

Why do you care? I’m 27, what does it matter to you whether I want to live or not?

He/she does not care. Nobody really cares except the family. Oh, how i wish i died in my sleep.

Cringe, suicide is for faggots and trannies.

Because I understand that young people are histrionic and often can't see that things can get better, and they can improve themselves. Call it basic human empathy.

sailing proudly into the sunset

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2276 Those whose lives are diminished or weakened deserve special respect. Sick or handicapped persons should be helped to lead lives as normal as possible.

2277 Whatever its motives and means, direct euthanasia consists in putting an end to the lives of handicapped, sick, or dying persons.
It is morally unacceptable.

Thus an act or omission which, of itself or by intention, causes death in order to eliminate suffering constitutes a murder gravely contrary to the dignity of the human person and to the respect due to the living God, his Creator.
The error of judgment into which one can fall in good faith does not change the nature of this murderous act, which must always be forbidden and excluded.

is this the guy with the sweet hair in that one film?

Things will not get better though, I’m at the peak of what I could possibly achieve and it fucking sucks.
You have empathy? Then let people make their own choices. That’s the best proof of empathy you could possibly display.

Pretty based of him to ask his son to be buried with him.

Based, was looking for a catholic answer among these depressed people


He made great movies in the past. Watch Le Samouraï. It's one of the few eternal kino.

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>another dead frenchman