I don't understand economy. I think it's just made up numbers

I don't understand economy. I think it's just made up numbers
Why are Austria and Finland rich when they produce absolutely nothing and just print money, while Congo and Nigeria are poor, when they have so many resources?
Dominicans live on the exact same tiny island as Haitians, but they're 7 times richer
Germans make 3 times more than Poles a few km across the border, who work the same job
It all makes no sense

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Colonialism unironically

Capitalism unironically

There are lots of internationally famous Austrian manufacturers


Same thing really

>Why are Austria and Finland rich when they produce absolutely nothing
services plus trade with other rich countries, good management, high tech industries like pharmaceutics
>while Congo and Nigeria are poor, when they have so many resources?
they don't extract them on their own because they are too dumb and dont have technology, they just lease the resources for pennies to foreing companies who extract them
>Dominicans live on the exact same tiny island as Haitians, but they're 7 times richer
idk what happens there
>Germans make 3 times more than Poles a few km across the border, who work the same job
they have waaay better management, their government actually allows people to do business instead of bombarding them with milions of different weird taxes and regulations, they have better technology which means that less work is required for the same result

because congo and haiti are lawless dictatorial shitholes, lawless shitholes are bad for business even if you have all the ressources

Finland and Austria are not lawless shitholes and are integrated in trade unions, they have a lot more credit for businessmen

poland used to be a dictatorial commie shithole not allowing business to happen, this why you have bad wages

>they have waaay better management, their government actually allows people to do business instead of bombarding them with milions of different weird taxes and regulations, they have better technology which means that less work is required for the same result

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Thats what OP is asking about I think, it does feel a bit overbloated

Explain why you're rich then.

Go to school bro

your farmers can literally sell produce to people bro

there's always gonna be the bitch and the man in control through history


Cute Apu

Exploiter and exploitee
The problem with capitalism is its zero sum someone has to lose no matter the way you stack it
Useless eaters(western world)
Are fed by the contributors(third world and China)

Capitalism isn't fair dude. It's barely a step above feudalism.

>fix someones bathroom sink and ask for 100 euro because you know that he is rich
>go to a restaurant for a 50 euro meal because you are rich now too
>restaurant owner is rich so his suppliers are asking for more money

Ok, Zhang

>Why are Austria and Finland rich when they produce absolutely nothing
Austria makes bikes and Finland makes phones
>Congo and Nigeria are poor, when they have so many resources?
They don't control those resources
>Dominicans live on the exact same tiny island as Haitians, but they're 7 times richer
Haitians had to pay mega gibs to France and also suffered from natural disasters

Yeah but if the bathroom guy got rich by stock trading or something, then the entire economy is a bit artificial

Finland and Austria are only rich because their colonial empires exploited the 3rd world

classic thirdie cope

>we are the eternal victim of firstie, please give gibs

fuck you, firsties should make these people eat a nuke