Underrated kino

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The original is better

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Yes. Worth watching just for how good looking it is.

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Horrible trash. Entire movie is just swearing and screaming. Its a drag. Couple neat kills in the beginning though.

All the kills were brutal and amazing, Loomis was an interesting character unlike Zombie's first movie, and the acting was phenomenal.

didn't know this existed but i will soon be watching it

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Maybe my comfiest film. I must have watched the dozens of times as a teenager. It was my go to rental choice.

watched this again recently. burton kino still holds up. he also has fine taste in women

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You mean 3

>iron maidens weren't actually a thing

One of my favs
10/10 style and atmosphere, prime Depp, Burton when he still knew how to make kino, Walken Horseman, lots of cleavage

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Not only was this fucking amazing, this thing made many people not be ashamed to be gamers, this movie was basically gamers rise up but for real.

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very nice

Very cozy movie

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>mfw STILL waiting for Restaurant at the End of the Universe

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People just shit on the movie, because the book is so damn good

redpill me on this

Man does not need the flesh of another, unless it's the flesh of a mermaid. Duty above all else. Unless, of course, you find a sexy mermaid. Then you make her your waifu.

is it really underrated? yeah its kino, but i wouldnt call it underrated

I hyped this movie up to legendary status when I was a little kid. My mom and I were talking about scarey movies one day and she mentioned this one and I asked her if we can rent it and she said no, she let me watch Halloween and Friday the 13th but she wouldn't let me watch Sleepy Hollow because it was "too scarey" she said. So i built up in my head how this was too scarey for me to watch and then I kept pestering my mom to let me rent it and she finally said yes and I watched it and absolutely loved it but it didn't scare me at all.

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Exept for the Reddit tier "religion is stupid" meme it's still quite comfy movie

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