Wtf was his problem?

Wtf was his problem?

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here's a predictable Siskel and Ebert episode
>horror film is reviewed
after enjoying halloween, gene proceeds to hate almost every single horror film throughout the 80s and 90s. ebert slowly comes to appreciate them.
>any film with graphic violence
around the time of se7ens release, it was actually a big talking point of their review to focus on how brutal the movie is. they never liked anything gnarly before this
>spike lee, martin scorsese
totally getting two thumbs up
>comedy is reviewed
the farrelly brothers somehow come unscatched through the 90s while every other film in that vein was trashed by them
>disney movies
Siskel and Ebert were actually pretty based and didn't always treat the big ones kindly. after Disney bought the company that ran 'At the Movies' they surprisingly gave a positive review to Hunchback of Notre Dame

>Gene proceeds to hate almost every single horror film throughout the 80s and 90s
Didn’t he write an infamous review for Friday the 13th? He acted as if were the worst movie ever up to that point.

And he doxed (published the home addresses of) one of the actresses and an executive at Paramount

Did this too much and unhinged his jaw

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>made a career of eloquently distroying movies with his words
>gets his jaw removed and cant speak anymore
Karma for all the trashtalking of fine art!

i think Bobby The Brain from WWF had the same thing happen to him

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Sounds like things haven’t changed almost 40 years later.

ah man that makes me sad
dont smoke cigarettes or eat pussy bros, not worth it

Would have been pretty cool if he just remove that piece of skin and went hardcore jawless

Clearly something wrong about his jaw

Oh that sucks. Can't they just add in a fake jaw that works? It's just a jaw. You'd think medical tech would be able to make something like that.

damn didnt know he had the Ebert jaw or that he died. mustve miss that news

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Don't smoke, and get the HPV vaccine. Then eat pussy all day.

something like this woul rule

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i wish i didnt know it he seemed he suffered really bad for about a decade

weird how the absence of a jaw makes you look like a completely different person

not weird just shave off your eyebrows and embrace the life changing change

i got a moustache once and it changed my life, never again

Pedophilia. Emma was 12

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>both died fairly young of terminal cancer
God really dont like film critics does he

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maybe spending lots of time in theaters is bad for you?

thers lots of carcinogens in movie theater popcorn butter

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if he could talk he'd tell her to put a bullet in his head


this is worse than any horror movie ever made, also is that fucking whore's job to torture him? what possible logical reason is there to jam a straw in his neck hole and wiggle it around while he suffers?

>you just know
that somewhere out there is some director who got a thumbs down and watched this with a smile on their face

Niggas got dem pussy lips hanging down no cap bros would you fuck one time on gang on crip

for me, its the forehead vein that starts bulging after the pain really sets in

can someone try their hand at making the pointing soijaks into siskel and ebert giving thumbs up/thumbs down?


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It was his punishment for not understanding how good Scanners was.

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