Can movie action top vidya action?

Can movie action top vidya action?

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Video games are for degenerates.

silence kike

I cant even fucking tell what is happening here.

Literally me.

>plays ranged
>still looses

that's pathetic

>base of pillar stops his roll attack

wizards deserve to be squashed

marshmallow man is trying to kill pointy golden boy

vidya kino has already surpassed films and television 10 years ago m8

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OP running away and dying like a lil bitch when he's supposed to roll into Godskins roll so that fatguy rolls past him

No fun goyim, only misery

you have to fight this guy again?

Is this the Zanzibart gaem?

what is this goody crap? holy fuck this looks like trash

>he doesn't know
Oh jesus you are in for some pain

and his twink friend, apparently

body ody ody ody

try tongue
but hole

Baron Harkonnen learned how to walk

Cope degenerates.

I miss this little nigga like you wouldn't believe

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Cast Elden Ring bros

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all the voice actors as the characters they play

Idris Elba

What was his problem?

>it's good because it's artificially hard

video games are dead

This is considered peak vidya somehow.

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Here is your Malenia bro

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Honestly the world they created and the lore behind it all is super interesting in this game.

It is? Because I've only ever seen cemetary fighting or mausoleum fighting.

ah yes....the pinnacle of video games

is that her voice actress?
she cute ngl

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that looks like trash

Yes, git gud

>implying they dont want young males sitting on their ass, wasting their lives and money on meaningless fantasy


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Imagine being filtered this hard

like this?

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unironically a great game and Any Forums will never get it because they cannot get passed their seethe on ubisoft.

fuck off with your cat and mouse bullshit with the janny

Why do you enjoy ruining threads like a dipshit? Piss off.

user that has nothing to do with the lore of the world.

Shut the fuck up video game player.

ubisoft hate is well justified though

What makes it better than the other shitty ass creed collectathon games?

Movies can't even top this kinography

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>Elden Shit threads have now officially escaped from Any Forums

just finished it and loved it. havent played the dlc content but I might if its on sale. but yeah it felt like a movie. love big adventure games.

Video games are gay

second panel