What was the fucking point of this movie?

What was the fucking point of this movie?

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What's the point in any movie?

the oscars needed something to give best picture to that wasn't Tenet

Something about the economy fucking people over

Not every film needs to have a point outside of telling a story or portraying a type of person/group of people.

No mad land

A place for the calm

doesn't matter give it to the rich chinese girl director

>normad mcdormad

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Fuck I thought that was Jamie Lee curtis

There is a whole genre of youtube videos showing people who live like this character. I like the ones with thots who pretend to be homeless and show their tits or ass in every single thumbnail. There is literally no category on youtube that women wont slut up.

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Doesn't even own a doghouse

What's your problem, Normad? You almost got Huck killed!

>Chloe Zhao
It needed more wmaf sex scenes.

Throughout her long career, audiences have just wanted to see McDormand shit in a bucket. This kino finally gave them that moment. Worth it.

A man of taste, I see.

I found the music to be manipulative and pretentious. Stopped watching in the middle..

To filter plebeians such as yourself

All movies are meant to manipulate you.

This one felt very phony, is what I'm saying. The music and tone felt dishonest.

I never understood why she includes so many 20 minute long graphic unsimulated sex scenes between white men and Asian women, ALWAYS ending in impregnating creampies, but then again I'm no director.

That must have been in the director's cut, because I missed that part.

For me its Nikki Delventhal.

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