This documentary really opened my eyes bro

this documentary really opened my eyes bro

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The same people who got 'woke' from this garbage are the same people who stand with ukraine and george floyd

other way around bud, the early to mid 2000s 9/11 truthers and zeitgeist retards are the modern day chuds

I remember feeling so smart when I watched this at 15, IIRC the whole thing was basically religion bad and 9/11 was an inside job, dude was also clearly getting all his info from conspiracy theories online

I honestly thought that this documentary (and Occupy Wall Street) would lead to some sort of revolution. But it never happened, and I never recovered.

It's clear that someone else is pulling the strings and normies just don't care. And we few in between have been lost in apathy.

I think it's almost comforting to want to believe theres a puppet master pulling the strings when in reality the world is just chaotic

The 2nd most jewish film ever made, even more Jewish than Fiddler on the roof

>in reality the world is just chaotic
I wish. That would be fair to everyone. But like I said, normies (like you) don't believe in this thing, which is a real shame, because nothing will change unless the sheeple wake up first.

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watched this shit when I was like 13, gladly I grew out of it pretty fast

my first red pill and after years I've been thinking it ever since I watched that crap: Why oh why didn't I stay the BLUE pilled?

What's #1?

youre still on the WAKE UP SHEEPLE phase of your conspiracy awakening lmao. just wait til the next part, it gets ugly.

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I'm ready, MM.

Same, I wish for that every day but it was just impossible, I've always been a weirdo non conformist

red pill (mental illness)

Off by one, can't follow up our trips you bluepilled normie faggot
>it was all true

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name a more retarded conspiracy theory than flat earth. go ahead. i'll wait.

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aliens did 911 and david icke to afraid of getting called an antisemitic by calling elite jews shape shifting Lizard Illuminati

An Inconvenient Truth

holocaust denial
>inb4 retard seethe

Every one I knew who watched this back in college was a leftist retard and/or fedora fag.

Probably because you were in college numbnuts.

everyone i knew that was into this shit were like alex jones guys, a lot of them became qanon retards later on.

they say 20 million Russians died during ww2 and another 20 million by Stalin being a troll

Attached: Screenshot 2022-03-22 at 04-48-06 stalin killed 20 million - Google Search.png (659x200, 18.53K)

bigfoot is literally the definition of retarded impossible conspiracy

it makes no sense whatsoever not to mention 0 evidence exists