Knock knock

Knock knock

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le based black guy

What did they drink?

Posting it again

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Want him to go rogue and kill off all the non-white kids.

I don't think any of the kids are white

the dooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooor

Paul, the religious kid.


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Parents are hidden so he is probably Ashkenazi

Bros this is so good for Ragnar, I was actually worried after warcraft he might fade into obscurity. (Even tho I liked it)

What do you think he can be in next?

He's just such a great lead in anything.

Has anyone transcribed all his jokes?
I wonder if there's actually foreshadowing in them

>snek is friendly
>that is until a woman sings a lullaby at a box that opens to reveal a seed in it that makes her turn into a tree
>snek eats tree and evolves into super-snek
Can anyone explain this? I haven’t finished season 2 yet but this shit gets more baffling by the minute.

Probably, now that you say it,

He just plays Ragnar in everything, even down to the weird swagger they all did in Vikings.

>What do you think he can be in next?
Ned Kelly biopic

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>He just plays Ragnar in everything, even down to the weird swagger they all did in Vikings.

And that's a good thing

Watch Danger Close if you haven't already, not a bad vietnam film

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Probably for the best. He's a model who struck gold with his Viking impression, so it makes sense he plays the same person and follows the same plot. Even that famous nigger only plays one role in all of his films.


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they dug a well

Nog nog

It's a kind of Jack Sparrow-lite thing but I'll be damned if he doesn't make it work.

android piss

the chemist joke is definitely foreshadowing.