This was the #2 grossing film in the US over the weekend

This was the #2 grossing film in the US over the weekend

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And? We all know murica is full of manchild weebs.

I'm about 8 episodes into the anime and I'm not really feeling it. Does it get better?

The anime sort of gets better. The manga gets much better, anime has yet to adapt the shibuya arc which is p kino

Don't sink any more time, user. It's just battle shounen.

what is this? can't read moonrunes

Watched it Saturday it was pretty mediocre. The audience was very polite tho even the colored weeaboos

Is it possible that they thought they were supporting israel because it’s called jujutsu?

i'm going to see it thursday, alone, at an afternoon showing wearing a shirt and tie
i'm neet but but my attitude throughout will be "Don Draper escaping the office to see a kino"

My friend has begged me to see this on Wednesday, I don’t know why though. When we saw that Demon Slayer movie he got annoyed when I said it was mediocre as all fuck and he’ll probably get annoyed again when I say the same thing this time

Well this movie is better than demon slayer movie, which was indeed mediocre af. Still isn't anything great tho

I swear the whole point of that movie was to get a mediocre short arc out of the way to make room for a whole kino cour of the entertainment district arc

Can I go with you?

Why are females so into this show? My younger sister loves this anime and demon slayer and begged me to watch them both with her. It was nicely animated but literally the demon slayer dude was just a fucking jedi. What is the appeal for females?

cuz gojo is sexy

Attached: satoru-gojo.jpg (1920x1080, 94.93K)

i have a friend like this too
he's a good person but he's not bright and thinks shit movies deserve "loyalty". even if it's shit you shouldn't say a word against it
just humor him. smile and keep your criticism to yourself. friendship is more important than garbage movies.

you posted about your sister last week
did she enjoy the movie?
can I date her?

Hot young boys take their shirts off and train together while protecting his cute little sister, what's not to get?

Yes she liked it, I just went with her just not to be a dick. And no, find a girl irl instead.

kinda based

Is this good or is it more action shlock shit like Demon Slayer?