ITT: Tropes you love

>villain in the early seasons becomes best friends with the protagonist in the later seasons

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No reason you should EVER hit a dog like that. Even pitbulls if properly trained can be safe

Name a single instance of this ever happening

Yamcha, then Krillin, then Piccolo, then Vegeta...

Toriyama is such a hack it's not even funny.

>Pitbulls if properly trained can be safe

A tiger may never maul a man to death in its entire life, but that still doesn’t mean you turn your back to it.

You forgot Tien

person of interest. Root and Mob boss guy became friends with protagonists.

if a family pet shows aggression even once, they should be put down. they can't be rehabilitated.

>Villain becomes redeemed and joins the heroes against a bigger threat
>Redeemed bad guy and female good guy get together
>Main cast is a crew of a ship
>Big world-ending threat forces all factions to unite together

why do amerishats like to shit on pitbulls? I have an american pit and shes a big softie. I get ameriburgers get intimidated by 150 lbs of pure and relentless muscle tho.

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because despite being 13% of dogs

that is horribly sad

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How many infants are mauled to death by retrievers? Or labs? Or English mastiffs? Or chihuahuas? And how many are mauled to death by Pitbulls. You want a loving dog? All dogs are loving. You want a loving dog that won’t maul an infant to death get literally any other dog.


a shitbull is never safe. you're just reducing the risk a bit.

Toriyama understands the power of friendship

Define pitbull

Pitbulls commit a massively disproportionate number of fatal dog attacks, especially against children. Fuck that disgusting breed and fuck you for being its advocate.

I do wonder if pitbulls are violent because its in their DNA or because they are chosen as dogs by the kind of people who would turn their dog violent. maybe a bit of both

all the dogs i’ve ever owned have been well behaved and I only ever rarely had to yell at them. pitbulls are just the orcs of dogs though

Define pitbull retard.

true dat