Just spent the last 2 months binging Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z for the first time ever

Wow, what a ride.

DBZ was always really popular while I was growing up, but as a kid I never really got into the show as much as my peers did. While looking around for new shows to watch this year, my friend recommended I give the show another try.

I decided to start from the very beginning at Dragon Ball. Some people criticise the show, since it is not nearly as action packed as Z (which I can def understand) but I still found it very enjoyable, and loved all three tournament sagas. The show was also really funny! The best part was I felt it really did a good job introducing characters and setting up the story.

Then, I started Z. Ohhhhh man, I was hooked on that shit from the very beginning. I don't think I've become so addicted to a series since Breaking Bad was on the air! I loved each character that was introduced, and I enjoyed a lot of development from the old ones we already knew. Each storyline just got better and better; the Cell and Buu sagas had me at the edge of my TV, even shouting at it during those epic battles! Vegeta has by far become my favorite chracter in the whole series. (Gohan and Goku follow him real closely )

Anyway, I just wanted to share this with you guys. I won't be on this sub a whole lot, as now I have some catching up to do with SUPER, and I don't want any spoilers coming my way!!

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Try One piece now, it is like dragon ball but better

some bad guys try to destroy the planet goku powers up and beats them. now you can grow up and watch something that isn't made for adhd riddled 10 year olds

I prefer the adventurous feel of Dragon Ball over Z but I still enjoy Z for the most part. Super was meh but I loved the final episodes of the tournament. Stellar animation at points. Also, let the record show that DB Bulma is the cutest cute to have ever cuted.

i dont remember chi chi being like that...

I tried doing this because I never liked the dragon ball shows and I only made it to the first tournament and then stopped. I like Bulma, that's about it.
I'm doing this now, I'm only four episodes in. It's okay, I don't think I'll be watching past the first ~60 episodes I downloaded if I make it that far.

Prefer me subversive girl's cartoons, innit?

Fuck kids

Attached: FUCK THEM KIDS.jpg (540x517, 27.69K)

Dragon Ball was just an adventure based on Journey to the West where Goku is based on Sun Wukong the monkey king. The magic extending stick and yellow magic cloud also come from that story.

you'll change that opinion around episode 44

Maybe. I want to like it. There's not much pirate media, gotta watch more. I'm watching Cowboy Bebop rn though and kinda want to watch season 2 of Himouto Umaru-chan. But I'll get back to one piece

Watch GT, then Super. No need to thank me

that's like the case for the first 15 episodes, after that it's just its own thing

>1 fight can take several episodes to conclude
>keeping ADHD kids' attention

A roommate showed me DBZ from his vhs tapes back in college. I sae through the Vegita saga. Just started watching it again last year. I left off somewhere where they are on Namek.
My friend loves One Piece even more than DBZ. He even cosplayed a couple of characters. I bought the volumes through Skypia but only read read through Alabasta. I keep saying I am gonna catch up.

Did you watched dub or sub?


Try berserk next

dbz with the bruce faulconer score was the best

ughhhh let's pretend you didn't say that...

let pretend ur mym not gay

>I won't be on this sub a whole lot
What did he mean by this?

Attached: 1634255607168.png (678x525, 37.06K)

it means "she" is too busy posting on Any Forums

Bro what

Dragon Ball>>> DBZ
Adventure> action
The action is dragged out and repetive in DBZ