What are you favorite fan remakes or fan-made films based on established media?

What are you favorite fan remakes or fan-made films based on established media?

Attached: unicorn blood.webm (472x309, 2.54M)

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Is this dude drinking mercury?

if thats mercury, this webm is snuff footage lmao

It's a fan remake of the unicorn blood scene from the first Harry Potter movie.

lmao enjoy your cancer

haha funny image op

Attached: FJz7QNDXMAcOovv.jpg (2048x2048, 309.58K)

>lmao enjoy your cancer
I'm sure it was that boomer that posted a video of himself here you fucking retard

this nigga be drinking quicksilver daaaammnnn

why what happens


not how rights work, and starvation hasn't been a real issue for 15+ years now

Mercury is actually not that dangerous to drink, the body doesn't absorb it internally

Gains immortality and gives you ability to transform into a dragon. Ancient chinese alchemy. Good stuff.

Mercury poisoning comes from inhaling mercury vapor, not from drinking it. Mercury is used to treat constipation.

Could also be gallium?

Malnutrition due to lack of food is a massive issue worldwide and isn't limited to third world countries.

Based retard

>Unlike other types of mercury, metallic mercury is essentially non-toxic if swallowed; it passes through a healthy gastrointestinal tract without being absorbed into the body or causing harm. Even swallowing metallic mercury from a broken thermometer, a dental amalgam preparation, or pieces of an amalgam filling would not cause mercury poisoning.
Why are you all so fucking retarded?

yeah...granted shew was playing with dimethylmercury which can go through latex gloves

Attached: 141152_Index-Karen-Wetterhahn.jpg (920x614, 56.97K)

It's true retard. I wouldn't recommend it but the guy in the OPs vid would be fine.

>Malnutrition due to lack of food is a massive issue worldwide
no it's not

Attached: 1617163029977.png (900x722, 197.44K)

Mercury seeps through skin into blood vessels, gets into your brain and destroys it, and yet it can't seep through the INSIDE of your body where blood vessels are much more exposed, is fine?

The compounds are much more dangerous than elemental mercury

It doesn't affect white people enough for me to care.