Any Forums never talked about this show

>Any Forums never talked about this show
>it's absolute kino

What the fuck? explain this shit. do you only talk about bad content now.

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Other urls found in this thread:

we did talk about it. Adam did nothing wrong

Fuck Any Forums. Just a bunch of shills, shit posters and comic book söyboys here now. They wouldn't know good content even if it slapped it's big meaty dick in their faces.

Im not watching a show with subtitles, like Im just not gonna

this was tv's favorite show while it was on you just werent here

There are threads about Dark multiple times a week that get 60+ replies. It's not even a great show.

>like Im just not gonna
like nobody like cares

>wants to talk about a show
>doesn't include the name in neither the title or filename
>wonders why no one gives a shit
Very low IQ of you, OP, or this is just to filter people who forgot about it after 2 weeks.

Did any reddit autists make a complete detailed plot of the timelines yet

Second favorite show of all time.
First is Twin Peaks.

its amazing and only capshit plebs hate it

Did it really needed to be THAT convoluted plot wise?

Learn german then

It's Dark, a Netflix series. It's not worth of watching, cheesy and artificial show which tries to be something in a very disappointing way.


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You’re a little baby

there were daily threads here about it and they were very good

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You mean the subs go too fast for you and you can't read them?

its great and Any Forums talks about it a lot more than most shows to be honest.

seemed boring as fuck desu

>he wasn't here for /dark/
it's underrated cunny kino

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The ending as near perfect

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They talked about it a lot.
Season 3 fucking sucked hard.

we have had literally hundreds of threads devoted to this show

the real tragedy here is that you spent so much time in tranny Any Forums bait threads that you missed them

franziska smol, martha hueg

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How the fuck did she alter the time loop tho?

This show was the only thing my antidepressant and ritalin-taking colleague at a cosmetic factory talked about, I'm a nice guy so I gave it a shot but my god what a boring dreary shitheap.

I recommended him to get into ornithology and two weeks later he never showed up again.

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>The ending as near perfect
>that ripoff of the Interstellar room shit
>the 2 worlds we know were actually worlds created by accident
>the original one is filled with characters we barely see and don't know
>the original world survives
>at the end, a bunch of roasties and a tranny are eating dinner
>the end
What fucking shit

No, that’s absurd. It’s a very different experience to watch something with subtitles. A movie I can handle, some german time travel jerk off show that apparently shits the bed at the end? I’ll pass on that. Sorry germs, you lost.

this show makes stranger things look like a lifetime drama

The loophole.

>How the fuck did she alter the time loop tho?
I asked this question when it aired and all the Any Forums-tards were like "You didn't see it because the creators didn't think it was necessary to see, but it happened, have sex incel!"

Retarded latecomer.

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>The loophole.
"herr derr there was a loophole" It was shitty writing. True deus ex machina garbage.

didn't it come out few years ago? nobody talks about old netflix shit here. those are generally popular for a month max. then all the spamming stops because new netflix thing is out


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carlotta coming along exquisitely

wheres mikkel

We saw old Claudia passing information to her younger self constantly.

We see two versions of the "same" Jonas and how both were created: Adam doing stuff during the loophole. I can't trace it perfectly and I doubt there are many people in this thread who can, but it's what happened.

Reminder that the mark of a good sci-fi show is getting Ben Frost doing the soundtrack

>Raised By Wolves

she was always the prettiest one

is this the greatest website ever created for a tv show?


>We saw old Claudia passing information to her younger self constantly.
What information? How did she accomplish breaking the loophole? Why didn't they show it?

She looks like the kind of woman who'd shit in your mouth and tell you to swallow.