I don't even drink wine

I don't even drink wine...

I drink Pepsi

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Daaaauuuym check out that drip on Jorge fr fr fr fr fr fr fr low key fr fr fr fr fr fr

It's goretex.

loving the absolute size of this lad

What's George's sussy imposter winrate in Amogus

4:3 niggas be like "the quality is just as good"

sned get feed store

I need to pick up some clearly Canadian, haven't had that in years

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Literally me.

Dinner Party is a top 5 episode of all TV

>water beverage
is this like american cheese? when you can't legally call it cheese?

You just like saying goretex

that's the joke

Can the autist who someones spams his ideas for current seinfeld scripts do george playing amongus and trying to tell jerry about it, with kramer having a freakout once he understands that it could be anyone, and it finishes with elaine in another room being the sus without them knowing and winning

He's completely right about this

George was right about everything



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I would be one telling him I'm really excited about the Pepsi. Seriously, what is this bullshit about being required to bring something to a dinner party?

The only thing I was iffy that he ever did is that time he went to find the busboy he accidently helped get fired. Seemed out of character for him, but it was early season so maybe they just didn't have his character figured out.
Jerry had it right with "not my problem"

more like its not enough flavor to call it soda but too much flavor to just call it water

just between you and me I'm really excited about the ring dings and the pepsi

George consistently wants to look like a better person than he actually is. Would've been better if he ran into the busboy outside rather than went seeking him out.

Have you heard about the World Economic Forum, Jerry? They're going to take everybody's money and make them slaves forever. How can I get a gig like that? I have a million suggestions for them!

jery get nft

incel take

>Would've been better if he ran into the busboy outside rather than went seeking him out.
Was George an incel? Didn't think so faggot


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You know what? Even that wasn’t so bad. His only real mistake was double dipping the chip because it contaminates the dip for others.


Stop making Seinfeld threads you schizo

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It only had a small bite out of it and was on top of a magazine.