Do you have your fingers in your ears? It's a chip-n-dip

Do you have your fingers in your ears? It's a chip-n-dip.

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It was a wedding present

The generational divide: Goatse or Nickado?

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I'm still don't get this episode can someone explain?

Is this suppose to be funny? What an awful show. A soap opera for pseuds and soys

They got two. It's practically four of something.

Chips n Dips are dangerous for your health, the fat in them makes you addicted and as we all know kids are the main target group for crispy treats and creamy dips. This show made children fat.

Who is this guy? I'm constantly seeing his retarded face.

It’s a Chip n Dip - it's delicate, but potent. Pete told me that in English, "Chip n Dip" literally means "Chip and Dip." It's a dip for your chips far more powerful than a dipping bowl alone. This device isn't a chip or dip holder, it's a thing to put both chips and dips in. It holds dips, and chips... it takes us to a place where we dip our chips. It's not called the Chip and Dip, it's called the Chip n Dip. It lets us dip our chips the way a child dips - in and out, and back in again, to a place we know we double dipped.

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Christopher Poole

the kind of fat faggot that makes you realize Amermutts are the biggest problem in the world today.


dipping is taboo and wouldn't catch on til fondue in the 70s. everyone else in the show didn't get it, in a way not getting it is getting it.

>Chip-n-dip meme scene
>The first of many golden "everybody shits all over Pete" episodes
>Betty gets slapped in the face by Glenn's mom
>Don gets so pissed off at Roger that he tricks him into vomiting oysters all over the floor
An incredibly kino episode. Honestly one of the best in the entire show, possibly the single most underrated.

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During the 60's eating with your hands was considered third world. like mentioned it was considered low class. Keep in mind this is the same generation that memed Jellied/aspics into oblivion during the 60's.

The 60's were a mistake in gastronomy.

He started as a skinny vegan doing mukbangs and became a onlyfans having fat fuck who does nothing but eat

Does a goatsee edit exist.

>Betty gets slapped in the face by Glen’s mom
It’s the other way around. Glen was based btw

>source just trust me dude please

Who was in the wrong here?

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Crane. Pete only looked at him because he was happy to see his friend. It wasn't an invitation to converse. He only opened the phone booth after Harry approached him.

>I'm constantly seeing his retarded face.
Lucky. I'm usually seeing his disgusting asshole

It's not a classic Mad Men episode unless Pete fucks up or gets fucked over

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I love Pete suffering episodes so much.
All that suffering makes his redemption all that much better.

True. It's a rule of drama that the best way to show what your character's made of is to really put em through the wringer
My favourite episode of the whole show is Signal 30 and it's pure Pete suffering

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