New 'toss

New 'toss

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Sex with 'toss

The main problem with homeschool are religious people
We cannot allows retarded crap like creationism to be taught

Where's amogus?

the chair do be lookin kinda sus

Was he doing meta commentary?

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Also valuable social skills aren't taught to homeschooled kids

ironically having a chance to get shot is better than being a crippled autist for the rest of your life. unless you live in a rural area with a lot of homeschooled kids you're doing your children a disfavour by depriving them of socialization at such an early age

Notice they never go into this much detail about the shooter if they aren’t white/Christian/right-wing

projecting your inadequacies onto others. education past 8th grade is useless. The glory of the Lord has not departed from us

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>social skills
have you seen society lately lol

what is the point?
isn't he pro-gun pro-life evil nazi racist?

Rural areas are even worse for homeschool because everyone knows each other

Why the fuck is this an actual word in portuguese?

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This happened shortly after a school shooting were the republican excuse du jour was that shootings happened because of a lack of prayer in school and the lack of a good guy with a gun. A sentiment also echoed by the shooter's mother a month before the shooting as well.

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why are there amogus and non amogus versions of this comic

I don't get it

i dont get it

You must be retarded

Seething leftoid

A win win

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Duh, I'm brazilian after all.

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No, I need to go to public school with Tyrone and José to learn about all the various LGBT flags (pic. related from a middle school in New York City.)

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for fuck's sake

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how do normies not think that it's really weird to have brown and black stripes on the gay flag


I like how trans people were able to superimpose themselves over everyone else on the flag and black people are on it, because why not?