I genuinely follow e-sport scenes

i genuinely follow e-sport scenes

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I would consider suicide, one of my nerd classmates spoke to me about Cloud 9 and his hoodie he bought through their shop because he wants to support their project, I wanted to put a bullet through my head

I could never get into it, what do you watch?

dota, valorant, CS:GO, rocket league

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Faze up, ass down

Why don’t you just play those games yourself?

I could never get into it mostly because i hated games like MOBA to begin with but during lockdown i got into aoe2 again and ever since started following aoe2 eSports

I used to watch SC2 and league

I mostly now watch analysis of League of legends by the lord and savior

Wish we had an esports board

>not dota
isn't that like the national esport of your country?

Yeah dota is amazing

Specially True sight but Im not much into it

If i had more free time I would def watch it

Although I would only get involved in a game that I play

The absolute worst fucking animals on the planet play them so unless you are on a team or have friends every competitive game will breakdown into "who can carry more retards the hardest?" Which is extremely stressful on solo players and isnt even represtative of how the games are played asuming everyone does their role.

videogames are for total losers

Wagecuck cope, what sure do you think you’re on

>videogames are for total losers

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It’s true

You are on Any Forums you're a fucking nerd yourself retardo. It's not better to watch any other sports , consider suicide.

same, love me csgo and valorant

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I think youre a faggot

Skill expression is based and (if i do say so myself) redpilled

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>It's not better to watch any other sports
Objectively untrue

me too.

I regularly watch league esports but only since I also play it. I don’t watch any others except cs finals. It’s kinda cringe but I enjoy it.
Hyped for G2 vs T1 in 5 hours

>comparing video games to chess
I’ve never been so sure that a poster on here is a loser

>comparing video games to chess

Videogames are usually more complex than chess you absolute ass-face brainless faggot

How is it untrue you retarded cunt.

Unless were talking about angry birds or some stupid shit you see your inbred cousin playing

i play and watch dota 2
only like 100 people in japan do

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Playing video games is not sports
Dare i say it

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