ITT: long running franchises with only one good entry

ITT: long running franchises with only one good entry

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Star Wars
Nightmare on Elm Street
Child's Play

Starship troopers

Resident Evil movie


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Robocop II was Kino and I'm tired of pretending that it's not.

>Nightmare on Elm Street
>Child's Play

Jurassic Park
there might be an argument to say that some parts of The Lost World and JP3 are decent but really, everybody knows the first one is and always will be the absolute best they'll ever do with the series

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Lethal Weapon
Die Hard
Jurassic Park
The Matrix
The Crow

Damn I was going to say this. Well, jaws I guess.
Any sequel to a Spielberg is usually worse. Schindlers list 2 was awful

>long running
There were 3 movies made in the span of 6 years and one failed remake. This isn't a long running series

“The Toecutter! He knows who I am!”

Star Wars

Karate Kid

>Lethal Weapon
>Die Hard
All wrong, the direct sequel to all of them were at least decent if not good

Three movies, one TV show, two cartoons, one miniseries, a reboot movie, and another soft reboot movie on the way.

Is there a name for this type of poster?

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Trailer Park Boys

Peter Weller has such a freaky face. Why does he look better in full Robocop makeup than he does normally?

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Yeah, it's called "too cheap to hire Drew Struzan"

You need to raise your standards user.