This movie created a new generation of drug abusing, promiscous, manipulative zoomers. Bravo Scorsese!

This movie created a new generation of drug abusing, promiscous, manipulative zoomers. Bravo Scorsese!

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what are some kinos about having chutzpah and living in a world full of stupid goys

Also it's a shit movie.

Nah it's really well directed

>Bravo Scorsese!
This but unironically

Most of us zoomers can't sit through a movie.

the movie is based on an autobiography by a man who wanted to be a wasp in the mafia

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Literally the film that defined a decade.

it's way too fucking long. I was just tired of it by the third act. I'd rather watch casino

this is a better film

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I saw one zoomer user state “i just marathoned this movie”. Literally said that. Marathoned one movie because they watched it.

It's ironic how it's supposed to be an 80's period piece but is wholly applicable on current era.


How does that make him a newfag?

God dammit I know. So many fucking finance majors idolize that Jordan Belford hack. It’s every frat bros favorite movie.

I don't really see how this is even a cautionary tale. Usually these Scorsese movies end on some notion of poetic justice, but Jordan got off fairly well.

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Lurk moar

Yeah, Henry Hill got fucked, not that badly, but still mocked by Howard stern and everyone basically. While Jordan is still rich.

Ah so you have no reason and you just circle insults like a bot, got ya.

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It's funny they say this as a meme, but it's actually very true. Zoomies and women can't watch a movie without fiddling with their phones every 5 minutes.

Zoomers can only watch movies on discord with their other tranny friends while talking over it.